The goodness of God

A devotion about the goodness of God by Feba’s partner in Mali. Read more

Pray for FEBC Russia’s ministry

FEBC Russia’s ministry is to Russian-speaking people. Hear how listeners are responding to their broadcasts and join us in praying for their work amid heavy censorship and the impact of the war with Ukraine. Read more

An invitation to join us in prayer

Please join us for our online Prayer Meetings to pray with other Feba supporters and some of our ministry partners. Read more

Waiting in hope with those who are oppressed

In the final week of Advent, we look at how the hope of the gospel can sustain and bring release to those who are oppressed - with a focus on the ministry in Egypt. Read more

Waiting in hope

This Advent season, join us in reflecting on God's word and the work of Feba's partners as together we wait in hope. Read more

Fold your own 'Messenger of Hope' paper plane

Use our handy instructions to fold your aircraft and send a note of encouragement to our partners in some of the hardest-to-reach places on earth. Read more

Updates from Ukraine

Please pray for the team in Ukraine as they seek to serve and share the gospel in the face of the ongoing conflict. Read more

Inspired to pray

Feba writer, Roger Hulbert reflects on how Feba's partners have inspired him to pray Read more

Feba at New Horizon!

Welcome to New Horizon, and welcome to Feba too! Read more

Welcome to Keswick!

The 'Base Camp' exhibition at the annual Keswick Convention has become a regular fixture in Feba's calendar, but things are a little different this year. Read more

The governance of FEBA Radio

Feba UK (formally 'FEBA Radio') is a registered charity and company, and is part of an international association. You can find various related governance information and links on this page. Read more

Will you be a messenger of hope this Christmas?

Right now our partners across Africa, Asia, the Middle East are sharing the Christmas story using radio and audio media to inspire people to follow Jesus. Read more

An update from our mission partner in North East Africa

North East Africa encompasses Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia. It’s a challenging region in so many ways. Read our partner's update on the rapidly escalating armed conflict in Ethiopia. (1st December 2020) Read more

Radio Wimbe: Sharing the message of God’s peace and hope

Radio Wimbe, in Mozambique, is looking at an increasingly uncertain future amid heightened persecution from Al-Shabaab - an extremist group with a growing influence across the length of East Africa. Read more

A Tribute to John Wheatley

Remembering and giving thanks for the life of the late John Wheatley, Feba's co-founder who died in September. Read more

Following Jesus in isolation: “Christ spoke to me”

Right now the harvest in the mission field is plentiful, our partner broadcasters are experiencing record levels of listenership and online follow up conversations. Thousands more people are hearing the Good News for the first time and many are coming to faith in Christ. Read more

"I want to become a Christian": Iraq FM radio

Every day Iraq FM is planting the seeds of the gospel in many lives, will you help us build on this good work to reach even more individuals and communities with the gospel? Read more

Celebrating World Radio Day

Join us as we reflect on how radio is still the mass medium of communication that is able to reach the widest audience throughout the world today. Read more

Temporal and eternal

Feba CEO Bob Chambers reflects on recent events and the ministry of Feba being a "practical expression of love and grace". Read more

Intersearch: Research for Christian Media

Feba UK is part of Intersearch, a collaborative network of Christian broadcasters, undertaking and sharing research. Read more

Welcome to the FEBC Family

Feba Radio UK is one of 26 international offices which make up the FEBC International Association. Find out more... Read more

Yemeni producer discusses his media ministry

*Sammy is a radio producer with a heart for his home country. Listen to our audio to hear him sharing about his work and hopes for Yemen. (*name changed for security purposes). Read more

Our Listeners Speak

Feba's "Growing in Faith" appeal this Lent focuses on our radio ministry to North East Africa. We asked some of our listeners in this region to give us their thoughts on the programmes. Read more

Reflecting on radio and Jesus

Feba Fundraiser Gill Knowles reflects on Luke 2:52 and relates the verse to the work of our partners and projects. Read more

Epiphany - marking the manifestation of the Saviour

We reflect on the feast of Epiphany, celebrating the arrival of the three Magi and God's revelation to us through the incarnation of Jesus. Read more

Reformation 500

Feba CEO Bob Chambers reflects on the quincentenary of the Reformation and the Five Solas. Read more

Request for prayer for DRC from Bishop Sabiti

An active supporter of Umoja FM in DRC, Bishop Sabiti of Kamango has an urgent request for prayer following the massacre of civilians in the area this week. Read more

Speaking and listening: Radio as "Two-Way Communication"

Reflecting on God's listening love, Support Development Director Tim Hollingdale considers the importance of radio being a two-way medium where listeners also get to speak. Read more

Blessed by faithful supporters

Thanks to worshippers at The Haven in Derby, a "seed of an idea" has blossomed into an exciting new look for Feba's RadioCan donation tins. Read more

Global Day of Prayer

Faith-based organisations and churches representing more than one billion people of faith worldwide are observing the Global Day of Prayer to End Famine on 21st May 2017. Read more

Jesus the relationship restorer

As we reflect on the death and resurrection of Christ this Easter, Feba writer Gill Knowles provides a reflection on the way Jesus paved the way to a restored relationship with God. Read more

Inspired by Jesus the storyteller

Feba's Support Development Director, Tim Hollingdale, tells us how he is Inspired by Jesus the storyteller. Read more

Thank You from Feba

“Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you…” Luke 2:11 Read more

Laughable Generosity

Feba UK Chief Executive, Bob Chambers gives thanks for our generous supporters and God's provision over the last 12 months. Read more

Praying for the Women's Initiative

The Women's Initiative Project is producing transformative radio to support women and girls in India. Help support these broadcasts in prayer using our prayer points page. Read more

Going Nuts for Feba

Bidvest's Telesales team is going nuts for Feba on Saturday 3rd September by running a mad and muddy obstacle course, The Nuts Challenge. Find out what made this team of nutty superheroes fundraise for Feba. Read more

Feba On the Road

The Keswick Convention is in its third week and our CEO Bob Chambers will be there, manning the Feba stand. Seeking "God-ordained conversations" with other Christians at the event, Bob shares his hopes for the next week in the Lake District representing Feba's mission and ministry. Read more

Beans and Big Church Day Out

Expecting a fantastic weekend of prayer, worship and festivities 25,000 Christians headed to Wiston House in West Sussex for Big Church Day Out 2016. We were there and were full of beans... Read more

Pentecost Reflection - Speaking boldly

Freelance writer and editor of our Prayer Diary this summer, Simeon Whiting reflects on Pentecost and Feba's focus on the Persecuted Church. Read more

Day of Prayer for the media

Join us in supporting The Church + Media Network’s Day of Prayer for the Media on Sunday 8th May 2016. Read more