Stories Open Mic Messengers of hope Our partners are sharing the unique hope of the gospel in some of the hardest-to-reach places. Will you join us by becoming a 'messenger of hope' today? Feba's ministry is all about the creative use of radio and other audio media, to inspire people to follow Jesus Christ. We have a particular focus on people groups and places that are considered 'hard to reach'; we believe media ministry can often be used to share the gospel in places where it would be very difficult - maybe even impossible - by any other means. Whether it is through conventional radio, the internet, mobile apps or memory devices and speaker-boxes, we long for people to be able to hear the uniquely good news of the gospel and come to know Jesus for themselves, in their heart language. In Him, we can have hope like no other - placing our confidence in one who will never fail. As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. Psalm 71:14 Serving faithfully in the face of opposition, conflict, or other challenges, Feba's partners find comfort and hope in prayer. As many experience hostility or rejection in the course of sharing the good news of Jesus with others, they can sometimes find themselves exhausted and isolated. Yet our partners persevere, broadcasting messages of hope in some truly testing circumstances - for example serving the marginalised Muhammasheen in Yemen and even in the midst of the war in Ukraine. Follow up conversations with listeners often provide opportunity for further, deeper exploration of matters of faith. When things around us seem tough and the pressure mounts, it can make such a difference to know that we're not alone, can't it? Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 By working together and praying for each other, we are able to offer hope and support - encouraging our partners in their service, as they seek to inspire people to follow Jesus Christ. You can be a part of it too! Your prayers and financial gifts are a tremendous encouragement and enable our partners to do what they do, day in and day out. We now have a special opportunity to share with you: we invite you to send your own personal note of encouragement to our ministry partners around the world! Become a 'messenger of hope' today! If you're attending an event where Feba is exhibiting (for example Bible By the Beach or the Keswick Convention) or perhaps a service with a visiting Feba speaker, then you'll be able to write you own note on one of our special planes; if you're reading this from home then please click the following link for details of how your can submit your message easily online. Click here to share your personal note of encouragement. The messages you send will be collated with others and forwarded to a selection of our ministry partners overseas. We have already been able to deliver some to Farida and the team at Radio Wimbe, and likewise with Dawit* in North East Africa, and can assure you that the team members were very moved by the expressions of prayerful concern for them and their work. We look forward to being able to share many more such messages with our partners in the coming months. If you would like to find out more about Feba's ministry, you might like to have a look at some of the blog posts on our website which feature various projects. We also have an area for our wider-ranging, more general news items too. We include some of that content plus other stories in our quarterly magazine 'voice'. In all that we do, we are acutely aware that prayer is a vitally important, essential ingredient; if you would like to support Feba in prayer, then you can find our prayer materials online - centred around a diary format, with weekly themes and daily content. If would like to receive any of Feba's resources on a regular basis, please click here to complete a simple form to request them and we'll be in touch! Some of our supporters coordinate small groups of people who meet to pray together, or act as 'mission representatives' for their local church. If it would be helpful to receive multiple copies of our magazine or prayer materials to distribute to others then please let us know and we'd gladly send a bundle in the post for you. Our Volunteer Speaker programme is an exciting new way in which keen supporters can help by representing Feba at speaking engagements in their local area. An introduction to the programme can be found here. Please do get in touch if you'd like to discuss this in more detail. If you would like to support Feba's life-giving media ministry financially, please head to our online giving page where you'll find options for one-off or regular giving, including a simple Gift Aid form too. We are very grateful for our faithful, generous supporters - without whom our work would simply not be possible. Thank you! Thank you once again for your interest in Feba. If you'd like to download and print a Feba paper plane at home, please click here. * We sometimes change our partners' names for security reasons Manage Cookie Preferences