About Our History Our History Feba began as 'Far East Broadcasting Associates', a small group of British supporters of the US-based Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC). Inspired by FEBC’s use of radio to broadcast Christ to the world, in 1959 this group of British supporters took up the task of establishing a station in the Seychelles - a British Protectorate at the time. Initially broadcasting into India, they became the Far East Broadcasting Association. We are now known formally as FEBA Radio, but in practice we tend simply use 'Feba'. By the 1970s, Feba was producing regular shortwave broadcasts and had developed studios, offices, housing, transmitters, and the offshore 'reef' antenna system enabling programmes to reach across parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Feba broadcast from the transmitter in the Seychelles until 2003 when our way of working changed; a new partnership model was employed, which focused on resourcing and enabling local partners and communities to use media close to their listeners. Today, radio remains an important tool for many hard-to-reach communities, but we use whatever media is most appropriate for each community. It may be radio - short wave, medium wave or community FM - or it may be web or social media-based. The way we choose to work reflects our desire to empower and equip them to be agents of change in their own communities; using local people, languages and partners to address a range local issues. As Christians, we believe that the unique message of Christ's love is central to people being able to enjoy life in all its fullness. Douglas Malton, the co-founder (with John Wheatley) of Feba Radio, at the AGM in 2009 Feba is a founder member of what is now known as 'FEBC International' - an association comprising all locally registered Feba and FEBC offices globally. A 'Charter of Association' was agreed in 2014, with all members having equal rights in its future governance and direction. The 'International Council' meets annually, with an elected 'Executive Committee' having delegated powers to deal with issues through the year. All full members have a high degree of local autonomy, subject to agreed governance and reporting requirements. FEBC International is essentially Feba UK's worldwide family, and reflects the close relationship between the UK and US from which the work first began in the 1950s. Feba UK celebrated its Diamond Anniversary in 2019 - marking 60 years of ministry with a special service of thanksgiving and dedication. You can watch a short video of highlights from the day here. Whilst there have been many changes since Feba's ministry began - including technological developments, geopolitical unrest, and missiological debates - the essence of the work remains unchanged: we are committed to the effective use of radio and other audio media to inspire people to follow Jesus Christ. Please help us continue to fulfil this mission by supporting Feba's ministry in prayer or by donating here. Thank you. Manage Cookie Preferences