Feba UK (formally known as 'FEBA Radio') is a registered charity and company, and is part of an international association. You can find various related governance information and links on this page.

Please click here to access a PDF copy of Feba's current governing document - our 'Memorandum and Articles of Association'. This sets out the overarching mission of the organisation (Memorandum) and details how core business should be conducted (Articles) - more specifically, the main roles and responsibilities of those charged with governance of the ministry. The doctrinal basis can be found on pages 3 and 4. The Articles were last updated on 8th June 2019.

The organisation has a body of 'members' (known as 'Associates') and a smaller group appointed or elected to the 'Council' (known as 'Trustees', who together comprise the 'Board'). Associates have voting rights in the Board elections at each Annual General Meeting. The Associate Application Form can be found by clicking here.

Feba's accounting year runs from 1st October to 30th September, and the AGM is typically held in June of the following year. Feba's Annual Trustees' Report and Accounts can be found by clicking here.

Feba is a registered charity (number 257343) and a non profit making company limited by guarantee (number 940492), registered in England. The Registered Office is at 5 Robin Hood Lane, Sutton, SM1 2SW, UK.

Feba's listing with the Charity Commission can be found by clicking here.

Feba's listing with Companies House can be found by clicking here.

As a Member of FEBC International, Feba UK is a signatory to the FEBC International Charter of Association which sets out the way in which we relate to other members of our international family.

Feba's Statement of Faith can be found by clicking here.

If you have any questions about Feba's constitution or governance, please send a message addressed to the 'Company Secretary' by using this contact form.