Feba writer, Roger Hulbert reflects on how Feba's partners have inspired him to pray. 

My links with Feba go back to 2013 when I was 'sent out' to produce a film featuring the work that Feba supports in Egypt, India and Mozambique. Little did I realise then how this experience would help to inspire and shape my prayer life to this day.

I arrived in Cairo in January 2013 –the atmosphere in the city was still tense. We had to be careful, especially when entering the studios of Feba's partner, Voice of Egypt*, in a large residential block of flats.  

I was stunned when I entered the director's office. Hanging on the walls and draped across the ceiling were several fishing nets with hundreds of photos pegged to the netting. Talk about a 'huge catch'! The director explained that the photos showed the faces of many of their prayer partners and supporters who had committed to pray regularly for their ministry in this troubled region. As I stood there trying to take in all the faces caught up in the nets, I felt like we were 'surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses' (Hebrews 12:1).

Here were so many faithful brothers and sisters standing with this courageous team and urging them on with their sacrificial love and prayers to 'finish the race marked out for them'.

Never before had I witnessed such total reliance on prayer than in the director's office that day. What's more, the director told me how he and his team made it a priority each day to give thanks and pray for all their supporters, both in Egypt and the UK. As I look back today, I'm reminded that every time we ask Feba supporters to pray for our partners, we can be sure that they too will be lifting us up in their daily times of prayer and praise.

This leads me to the second leg of our filming trip. Arriving in Delhi after an overnight flight, we were met at the airport by the exuberant Pastor B – one of several extraordinary people heading up the dynamic radio ministry at Feba's partner in India. It was Sunday and Pastor B was determined we should visit a very special Feba-supporting church way out in the suburbs of the city. Arriving late for the service, due to the appalling congestion on Delhi's roads, I was immediately struck by the simplicity of this little church.

On every step leading to an 'upper room', pairs of shoes had been neatly placed – from tiny to extra-large!

I sensed immediately I was entering hallowed ground as I too slipped off my shoes.

It reminded me of some words from a song I'd once heard: 'Slip off your shoes, leave your doubts outside. You won't be using the walk of the world in His presence, you'll only need your repentant heart'. 

At the end of the service, the Pastor called each family forward by name, laid his hands on their heads and prayed for them. He then invited us to have tea with his family. While chatting, he pulled out a massive book that was full of hundreds of photographs of people he'd met who had asked him to pray for them. I immediately gave him one of my passport photos. He smiled and agreed to add my face to his special prayer book.

When I pause to pray for Feba these days, I often think of the fishing net in Cairo and the prayer book of photographs in Delhi and give thanks for the ways that Feba's partners have inspired me to 'always pray and not give up'!

*names changed for security reasons