Stories Ministry Stories Educational radio transforming communities Programmes about health and hygiene, marriage and family life, agriculture and environmental issues are just some of the content included in radio programmes helping listeners transform their lives and communities. Feba works in partnership with local people in a variety of situations using radio to give access to information and advice. Radio Wimbe in Pemba, Mozambique, broadcasts daily programmes helping the community address issues by engaging listeners in discussion and encouraging co-operation to work for change. For example, a vegetable seller in Pemba market thanked Radio Wimbe for its programmes about cleaning up litter. He joined a group to clean up in the market everyday before the beginning of its activity, helping to improve the health and hygiene of the area. Growing knowledge in Nepal Based in Nepal, Afno FM, is a project with local partner, Human Development Community services (HDCS). The radio station has received very positive feedback, with listeners praising their informative programmes. Ishori is a widow who grows various produce to support her family. She said that she has learnt from the broadcasts giving agricultural advice, helping her to start farming and join together with other small farmers in her village. They help each other by paying into a collective so that they can offer each other loans to buy land or equipment. In this area of Nepal, it is common for people to work abroad, especially young men looking for ways to support their families or find a career. But very often they are exploited by unscrupulous agencies. I wish my son had heard those programmes Ishori heard Afno FM's programming giving advice to those thinking of travelling to other countries for work. She told the station "I wish my son had heard those programmes". Ishori's son went to work abroad but never managed to send home any money. With the job not working out as he had intended, he was still there trying to earn the airfare home. Ishori believes that if he had heard those programmes her son would have been better prepared. Our partners are delivering informative broadcasts across the airwaves in Africa, Asia and the Middle East - and with your valued support, lives can be transformed using radio. Please pray for our listeners, or give a gift so women like Ishori can continue to hear life changing broadcasts. See also: How 3 radio projects are changing lives across Africa Manage Cookie Preferences