Our critical work goes on day by day, but it's only through the kind gifts of our supporters we can continue to do this. Thank you. Read more
On this page you will find a link to our current appeal, inviting you to make a donation. Our work spans various countries across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, serving some very hard-to-reach people groups. In the event that the funds raised exceed the funding requirements for any given appeal, your gift will go to 'where the need is greatest'.
PLEASE DONATE NOWIf you would ever like to learn more about Feba's work, then please do get in touch. If you would like to receive any of our materials on a regular basis, then please either contact the office or complete your details on our simple online form.Thank you once again for your support, helping enable our partners to use radio and other audio media to inspire people to follow Jesus.
Please give today so that people can have the means to listen (like speaker boxes, audio Bibles and solar-powered radios) and hear the life-giving message of Jesus! Read more
Listeners like Amr in Egypt want to know Jesus but it can be can be dangerous to share the gospel in hard-to-reach places. That doesn't stop our broadcasters and follow-up workers but there aren't as many follow-up workers as there are listeners seeking Jesus. WIll you help tell more people about Jesus with a financial gift today? Read more