Despite the war, FEBC Ukraine is continuing to broadcast the Good News across the country. Using FM radio, social networks, smartphone apps, and web broadcasting, the teams are playing a vital role in sharing God's word and praying for people over the airwaves while also providing practical support to listeners traumatised by the conflict. 

SUNDAY 18th September

Please pray for the Church in Ukraine today. Many churches are continuing to go above and beyond to serve and support those who have lost family members, homes, and all they own because of the war. Please pray for strong, supportive relationships between FEBC Ukraine and local churches throughout the country. Praise God that many more people are now attending church regularly and believing that peace will one day return to their country. (1 Chronicles 16:11)

MONDAY 19th September

Dmytro makes short videos for Radio M’s social media in Kyiv, which are an inspiration and blessing to many people. He and his wife, Daryna are from Mykolaiv which is now close to the war zone. The couple have decided to stay in Kyiv for the time being until their baby is born. Please pray for safety and God's blessing for this young family as they await the birth of their baby in this war-torn country. 

TUESDAY 20th September

Vitaliy is director of the FEBC Ukraine studio in Odesa and a regular broadcaster on Radio M. Vitaliy’s brother is a Ukrainian soldier fighting on the front line in eastern Ukraine. Please pray for God's protection and for His peace to fill Vitaliy's heart at this very anxious time. Pray also for Eugene who has a particular ministry to servicemen in the east of Ukraine. Praise God that he has experienced a tenfold increase in listener engagement in recent months.  

WEDNESDAY 21st September

Please pray for safety and God's hand of protection over the FEBC Ukraine team and their listeners. Explosions continue to be heard in different parts of the country every day. People living in Russian occupied territory do not have any internet connection or mobile phone signal to keep in touch with their friends and relatives. Many are struggling to survive without water, food, electricity and gas. Please pray for all those engaged in trying to resolve this conflict and bring lasting peace. (Matthew 5:9)

THURSDAY 22nd September

We thank God that the team has secured a temporary licence to begin FM-broadcasting again in the capital, Kyiv. Eduard (the Country Director) has managed to install the necessary equipment at the transmitter site, which was hit recently by a Russian missile strike. Now the station is live, please pray for all those involved in preparing and presenting content for a potential listenership of several million people in and around Kyiv. Please also pray that this temporary licence will be extended beyond six months so that thousands more people can hear the good news of Jesus at a time when so many are living in fear and without hope. (Isaiah 41:10)

FRIDAY 23rd September

Please pray for all those involved in the helpline. The team is reporting that many callers are wanting to talk about the anguish they are experiencing from being separated for so long from their families. After so many women and children have fled their homes, often seeking refuge overseas, there is an urgent need to support men, women and children in their respective situations. Please pray for those who are providing counsel and a listening ear to those whose hearts are breaking. (Psalm 147:3)

SATURDAY 24th September

It is seven months ago today that Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine. With no end in sight to this war, the team has asked us to pray specifically for their physical, emotional and spiritual strength. Resilience is a critical issue for them, as they seek to minister to their listeners, whilst each of them is experiencing their own hardships due to the war. Please pray particularly for Eduard as he leads FEBC Ukraine through this exceptional period. Remember also Alexei and the team at FEBC Russia and the regional Eurasia Ministries Director, Victor, as they work together to sustain the ministry in these very uncertain and challenging times.