Get Involved Prayers This week in Prayer: Tibet Feba UK's partner, Gaweylon Radio, is broadcasting to a mainly Buddhist population in Tibet and the surrounding diaspora. In a country where evangelism is not welcomed, their radio programmes, CDs and literature help listeners consider social and spiritual change, as well as offering practical advice and teaching about the Christian faith. FRIDAY 1st January We praise God that Gaweylon Radio celebrated 30 years of broadcasting gospel programmes last November. As we thank God for all those who have prayed and supported this unique ministry over many years, please also pray for the team as they look for new ways to bring the gospel to Tibet, which has been ranked as the second least free country in the world*. SATURDAY 2nd January Please ask God to inspire the Programming team with topics and features that will bless and encourage listeners during these troubled times. Pray that the radio reception will continue to be good so that programmes can be heard clearly, even in the most remote and mountainous regions of Tibet. SUNDAY 3rd January In the weeks before Christmas, the team posted over 500 letters and parcels with health advice to listeners in India, Nepal and Bhutan. Please pray that the parcels and letters will reach people safely and many will be blessed and willing to share these life-changing resources with family, friends and neighbours. MONDAY 4th January The team currently uses a variety of resources to encourage and reach people with the gospel including literature, CDs, radio, USB pen drives, programmes on YouTube, and the Gaweylon website. Pray that these resources will benefit many people as they hear the good news of Jesus for perhaps the first time in their lives. Pray that many seeds of the gospel will be planted and take root. TUESDAY 5th January In recent months the team has produced a number of special programmes on COVID-19 to help raise awareness and share important advice, especially with those who are most vulnerable. Please pray for everyone involved in researching, planning and presenting these short features. May they continue to play an important role in informing and stopping the spread of the virus. WEDNESDAY 6th January Please pray for all those engaged in follow-up and ask God to give them strength, wisdom and patience when responding to listeners. Thank God for His hand of grace and protection over the staff and their families since the start of the pandemic last year. THURSDAY 7th January Gaweylon Radio runs a very successful training and mentoring programme. Currently, there are six trainees who are working part-time and learning various skills by assisting the team. Please pray for the trainees and ask God to equip them to learn new skills and grow spiritually strong through taking part in this training programme. FRIDAY 8th January Please pray for God’s mercy on so many countries facing loss of life, sickness, mental and physical challenges due to COVID-19. In northern India, where Gaweylon Radio is based, the team is currently seeing a rapid increase in infections and loss of life. Pray for wisdom for those in authority to respond to people with dignity and compassion. Pray also for health professionals who are caring for people around the clock with few breaks and little respite. SATURDAY 9th January Please pray for a fresh openness to the gospel in Tibet. With reports of Buddhist monks tuning in and listening to programmes, pray that God will touch the hearts of people and create a spiritual hunger for the gospel, especially during these challenging and uncertain times. Manage Cookie Preferences