Feba UK's partner, Gaweylon Radio, is broadcasting to a mainly Buddhist population in Tibet and the surrounding diaspora. In a country where evangelism is not welcomed, their radio programmes, CDs and literature help listeners consider social and spiritual change, as well as offering practical advice and teaching about the Christian faith.


Gaweylon Radio programmes are broadcast three days a week on shortwave radio across a wide area to listeners in Tibet, India, Nepal and Bhutan. Please pray that neither the mountains nor adverse weather conditions would affect the radio signal and prevent people from hearing about Jesus. Romans 8:38-39

THURSDAY 2nd March

The programming team constantly needs to be creative and come up with ideas that will engage audiences. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire and energise the team so that their programmes continue to attract existing listeners while also reaching out to those who might be hearing the good news for the first time. Ephesians 2:10

FRIDAY 3rd March

Praise God for the opportunities that Gaweylon Radio has to broadcast the good news to the Tibetan populations in this region. Please pray that God will use this radio ministry to open hearts and minds to the truth of His word.

SATURDAY 4th March

An important part of Gaweylon Radio's ministry is to provide free CDs and literature to listeners in many different places that are then often shared and passed on to others. Please pray that the parcels and packets will reach people safely and then be a great blessing to all who read, listen and share these resources. Matthew 13:23

SUNDAY 5th March

As well as posting out resources, members of the team go out and visit listeners to provide them with literature, CDs, encouragement and prayer support. Please pray for safety for the team, especially when travelling on dangerous roads in remote areas. Pray also for God's wisdom as they listen and interact with people who have many questions about faith, health, and the future. Philippians 4:9

MONDAY 6th March

We thank God for the seven staff members and two trainees who are currently serving the ministry at Gaweylon Radio. Please pray for unity and strength among the team. May they know the presence of Jesus with them in all the different tasks they undertake each day. John 13:35

TUESDAY 7th March

Gaweylon Radio's ministry is expanding and having an even greater impact through the station's YouTube channel and website. With many people searching for answers to life's big questions, please pray that they will be led by God's Spirit to hear the gospel presented simply and effectively via Gaweylon's growing online resources. Matthew 7:7


Please pray for God's protection over the team, their equipment and the facilities at Gaweylon Radio so that the ministry can be delivered effectively.

THURSDAY 9th March

Gaweylon Radio distributes health literature in three languages to help increase public awareness and encourage prevention. Please pray that these resources will continue to make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of people of all ages and backgrounds. 3 John: 2

FRIDAY 10th March

Praise God for his faithfulness in enabling Gaweylon Radio to reach out over the airwaves with the gospel for the past 33 years. The team is so thankful for the ways God has used this ministry to be a light and a blessing to many, especially those living in exile from Tibet. Isaiah 9:2

SATURDAY 11th March

The Tibetan New Year took place between 21-23 February this year. Please pray for all those who were visited by team members and received calendars. May the calendars be a reminder to these people to keep looking to Jesus every day and opening their hearts to His love. Hebrews 12:1-2