On the southernmost tip of Spain, Feba partners with Reach Beyond’s Radio Vida (Radio Life). Their vision is to reach the Moroccan diaspora from North Africa with the good news of Jesus. Our prayers this week focus on requests our partner shared at Feba's online prayer meeting in March.

SATURDAY 1st April

Please pray for the board members at Radio Vida. This is a challenging time to recruit new board members, especially as a number of potential candidates are leaving the mission field. Pray that important roles on the board will soon be filled so the day-to-day functioning and future of the ministry can continue unimpeded. Proverbs 11:14

SUNDAY 2nd April

On this first Sunday in April, we give thanks for the churches that are starting to engage more with Radio Vida and use the station as a platform to promote and invite people to their church activities and events. Please pray for many more fruitful opportunities for local churches to partner with Radio Vida to reach their communities with the gospel.  

MONDAY 3rd April

Please pray for the team involved in preparing and carrying out the audience research survey for Radio Vida this year. Pray that this major piece of research will guide the team to make the best use of their resources, particularly when bringing the good news to the growing Moroccan diaspora in this part of Spain.

TUESDAY 4th April

Radio Vida doesn't advertise or promote directly to the Moroccan population in Spain because of security concerns. Please pray for those listening to the Moroccan Arabic programmes that their hearts will be opened and softened by the message of God's love for each of them. Pray that the programmes will create conversations in communities where the name of Jesus has not been heard or welcomed before. Romans 10:13


There is an urgent need for people who speak the heart language of listeners to come and work with the team at Radio Vida. With so many opportunities to serve both at the radio station and in local outreach projects, including an evangelistic meeting, please ask the Lord to provide the people and resources for the gospel to thrive in the hearts of people hearing and experiencing God's unconditional love for the first time.

Please join us at our online prayer meeting this evening where we will hear directly from Feba's partner working in Yemen. For full details see www.feba.org.uk/prayermeeting

THURSDAY 6th April

On a practical note, please pray for the technical issues that are causing frequent power cuts at the radio station. Pray for the team working to ensure the daily programme schedule continues uninterrupted, including improving the performance and running of the emergency generator. Exodus 35:31

FRIDAY 7th April

On this Good Friday, we pause to give thanks for the sacrifice that Jesus made for each one of us on the cross. As He gave His life for us, may we also give our lives to Him.

Please pray for Manuel* who conducts interviews, creates content and produces programmes for Radio Vida. He currently works as a part-time contractor; however, to comply with Spanish law, he needs to show he has other contract work outside of Radio Vida. Please pray that he will find other work soon to enable him to continue to serve the radio station.

SATURDAY 8th April

Praise God for the growing interest in Radio Vida's programmes on social media. Please pray for new listeners who are engaging online and asking searching questions about the Christian faith and what it means to be a follower of Jesus. John 8:12

* For the sake of security, some of the real names of people, projects or programmes have been changed or omitted.