On the southernmost tip of Spain, in the town of La Linea de la Concepción, Feba partners with Reach Beyond’s Radio Vida (Radio Life), which has a God-given vision to reach the Moroccan diaspora from North Africa with the good news of Jesus. Earlier this year it started airing Arabic programmes in an effort to reach the large Moroccan population who live near the station. Positive feedback from new listeners is bringing great encouragement to presenters and there is much excitement for the future and the year ahead. 

TUESDAY 1st November

The production team at Radio Vida is increasing the number of hours devoted specifically to Arabic programming. Please pray for wisdom and sensitivity as the team explores new ways to reach the growing population of Arabic speakers in this part of Spain. Pray that as people listen to programmes in their heart language, they will be inspired to follow Jesus Christ. (John 8:12)

WEDNESDAY 2nd November

There is an urgent need for volunteers and to appoint a full-time Station Manager and Audio Technician for Radio Vida. Please pray for God's people to be responsive to His call to serve joyfully and faithfully in this mission (Isaiah 6:8). Also, please lift up in prayer the technicians working to improve the electrical backup system at Radio Vida to make the broadcasts less vulnerable to local power cuts.

Please join us at our online prayer meeting this evening where we hope to hear directly from our partner in Ukraine. For full details see www.feba.org.uk/prayermeeting 

THURSDAY 3rd November

Praise God for Radio Vida's participation last month in the multi-church evangelistic meeting in the port city of Algeciras. As well as promoting the event, the team at Radio Vida conducted interviews with participants and helped with the live audio and video stream. Please pray for all those who responded to the call to follow Jesus. May they continue to find spiritual support and nourishment through listening to the daily programmes broadcast by Radio Vida both in Algeciras and the surrounding region.

FRIDAY 4th November

Please pray for the team responsible for creating new programme content at Radio Vida. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring creative ideas to life that will engage with audiences, especially on several new programmes ranging from offering family health advice by a paediatrician to a Bible question and answer show, and a devotional and conversational time set around morning coffee. (Colossians 4:6)

SATURDAY 5th November

We thank God for the wonderful testimony of Faiza*, a local Moroccan Arabic woman, that was featured in the latest issue of Feba's voice magazine. Please pray for Faiza and the production team working on editing her story into ten episodes for Radio Vida's weekly Moroccan Arabic programme. May her story resonate and bring words of life and hope to many others in the community. (Psalm 62:5-6)