FEBC Russia and Ukraine co-ordinate a wide-ranging group of projects. These ministries seek to communicate the gospel by using media to inspire people to follow Jesus Christ through multiple platforms including radio stations, internet and via social media.

SUNDAY 20th June

Please pray for the completion of the studio in Kyiv, which has faced some delays because of COVID-19. The studio will enable more broadcasters to work at the same time, while providing room for guests and visitors and creating opportunities for outreach, especially among students from the nearby university.  

MONDAY 21st June

The counselling centre in Ukraine has been overwhelmed by calls in recent months. Please pray for the team members who are in the process of training new volunteers – may these servants of God be 'thoroughly equipped for every good work' (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

TUESDAY 22nd June

There are exciting opportunities opening up for younger broadcasters to reach young people in Ukraine. Please pray for God to use their energy and creativity to present the gospel in relevant and authentic ways, especially through social media and short videos, such as on TikTok.


Please pray for the ongoing ministry to those caught up in the warzone in eastern Ukraine. The outreach is not only to soldiers, but also to civilians in the towns and villages that continue to be affected by the tensions in this region.

THURSDAY 24th June

We praise God for FEBC's leadership training that the leaders have recently completed. Please pray for the team as they now put into practice the biblical principles they have learned. May they become more Christ-centred, effective and caring not only to their listeners, but also to one another as they minister together.

FRIDAY 25th June

Please pray for Eduard Kurylenko, FEBC-Ukraine's director. Pray that he will continue to grow as a minister under the leadership and support of more experienced ministers around him.

SATURDAY 26th June

Please pray for Maxim, as he manages a growing team of broadcasters in Ukraine. Please also pray for the project the team is currently working on to evangelise millions of Muslims in Eurasia. Pray for God's leading and guidance.

SUNDAY 27th June

The team is working on some exciting new projects aimed at reaching Jewish listeners for Jesus. Praise God that FEBC-Ukraine is reaching out to Jewish listeners through a dedicated programme titled Shalom, and through segments in several other programmes each week. Please pray that many Jewish listeners will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

MONDAY 28th June

Please pray for FEBC’s listener clubs, which have been attracting many younger people. Listener clubs are a good way for listeners who have never stepped inside a church to meet Christians and get connected with a local church.

TUESDAY 29th June

The new station in Kremenchuk has been gaining more listeners. Please pray that this growth continues and more people are able to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus.


“Your programme gives practical advice on how to live and survive after prison, how to improve and radically change our lives with the help of spiritual principles and by trusting God. Thank you for supporting us and our loved ones in difficult times.” Please pray for listeners who are being helped by FEBC's programmes dedicated to supporting prisoners and their families.