RMB is Feba UK’s partner in Bangladesh. Using shortwave radio, the programmes reach out to those exploring the Christian faith, along with believers living in rural parts of the country. The broadcasts also demonstrate faith in action by addressing health and social issues. The RMB team responds and prays for listeners, providing opportunities for them to share their personal experiences and request ongoing prayer.

SUNDAY 14th August

There's been a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases in Bangladesh in recent months. In June, the first case of a more infectious omicron subvariant of the coronavirus was detected in the country. Please pray for all those charged with treating and trying to stop the spread of this deadly virus, especially among the poorest and most marginalised members of the population.

MONDAY 15th August

A listener in North Bengal heard about Jesus while listening to the Batighor (Bengali for 'Lighthouse') radio programme and accepted Jesus into his heart. After attending a listeners’ conference, he tried to explain about Isa (Jesus) to his wife. Sadly, she has not responded well to her husband committing his life to Christ and now refuses to talk to him. Please pray that God will soften her heart and for Jesus, the light of the world, to shine through this man and bring new life, hope and restoration to his marriage. (John 8:12)

TUESDAY 16th August

Please pray for wisdom and good health for the RMB National Coordinator, Mr. PH, to carry out all his responsibilities for God's glory. As he is currently studying for his Master of Divinity, please pray he will have the time he needs to complete his studies by the end of this year while also attending to his work and family life. (Colossians 3:17)

WEDNESDAY 17th August

Mrs B is a faithful listener who has been inspired by RMB Radio to share the gospel with her neighbours. She says, "I try to sing a song in the name of Jesus. I encounter many questions from my neighbours. They ask me where I get these songs. Please pray for me so that I can preach the gospel and bring people into the kingdom of God".

THURSDAY 18th August

In June, Bangladesh experienced some of the worst floods on record. Many roads have been destroyed and there continue to be widespread power cuts. Hundreds of thousands have lost their homes, cattle, crops and livelihoods. Many listeners are contacting RMB Radio for help and asking for financial assistance to repair their homes. Please pray for team at RMB responding to callers and trying to give as much practical and spiritual support as possible in the midst of this extremely challenging situation. (Psalm 46:1)

FRIDAY 19th August

RMB's studio technician, Ms. Urmi Nath, has been suffering with severe stomach pain for several months which is causing her great distress. Please pray for those taking care of her, including doctors and family members and that she will be healed in Jesus' Name. (Acts 3:6)

SATURDAY 20th August

Today we join with the people of Bangladesh in giving thanks for the 6km-long Padma Bridge that officially opened at the end of June. This extraordinary two-level road and rail bridge crosses the Padma River – the main distributary of the Ganges in Bangladesh. Please pray that this bridge will have a hugely positive impact on the nation and help to create jobs, reduce travel time and increase trade in many impoverished parts of the country.