Since 1949, FEBC China’s Radio Liangyou has been broadcasting gospel messages from stations in Hong Kong, the Philippines and Korea. Working within an increasing hostile environment to the Good News of Jesus, FEBC China’s broadcasts are helping the rapidly growing church in China to flourish.

SUNDAY 13th September   

As the new security legislation has come into force in Hong Kong, the FEBC team based in the city is now watching closely to see if their freedom to share the gospel on radio is now going to be eroded. Please pray for the leadership of FEBC China as they seek God’s discernment about whether to move out of Hong Kong to a safer location.

MONDAY 14th September   

Please pray for the Portable Missionaries project that facilitates the mass distribution of micro SD cards across China. These cards slot into mobile phones and enable the user to listen to over 70 hours of FEBC China’s Putonghua programmes ranging from workplace issues and mental health to marriage and family life. Pray that these cards will become seeds for the gospel to bear fruit throughout China and beyond.

TUESDAY 15th September   

Being a follower of Jesus in China can be extremely challenging. Commitment to Christ carries many dangers and the potential loss of liberty. With this in mind, we give thanks for believers like Zhnag from Shanxi Province who fearlessly shares her faith in her workplace: “I am running a hair salon in a university campus. It is not easy for the teachers and students to accept a religious belief. My favourite programmes are broadcast in my hair salon. I share the belief with them when they seek to know more. Now many people keep asking me questions about my religion. I try listening to various kinds of programmes, and then share with others and introduce the programmes to them”.

WEDNESDAY 16th September

The Chinese state’s ongoing process of ‘sinicisation’, which forces churches and mission agencies to teach an approved version of the faith, is gradually being implemented across the country. Please pray for the 1.4 billion people in China that they will be able to hear the true gospel of Jesus Christ without any further State interference.

THURSDAY 17th September

Following the first known diagnosis of Covid-19 in Wuhan in December 2019, since then almost 85,000 people in China have been officially diagnosed with the virus. Please pray for the team at FEBC China’s Liangyou Radio who continue to broadcast vital health updates on air. Ask for the Holy Spirit to guide them as they pray for listeners on air and share words of comfort, healing and peace from the Bible.

FRIDAY 18th September 

Please pray that God will use the radio and various online channels to share spiritual food with listeners who are hungry to hear His word. Pray for Christians facing persecution and isolation, particularly in the wake of Covid-19. May they find encouragement, fellowship and support from listening to programmes broadcast by FEBC China.

SATURDAY 19th September

Soooradio is a brand new ministry serving Cantonese-speaking people in Hong Kong. Bringing together professional broadcasters and local churches, the team is starting to produce programmes aimed at youth and the wider community. Please pray for this exciting new ministry and for those who are being trained in programme production. Ask God to rise up many young people to become missionaries on the airwaves as they plan and produce their own gospel-based programmes.