Feba Pakistan operates and broadcasts in an environment where there is insecurity and the constant threat of violence. The team is working with other Christian partners to develop the use of community radio to speak to the needs of their own communities, helping to reduce fear and bring hope to local people.

SUNDAY 11th July

We praise God that the government has given approval for a number of Feba projects in Pakistan to be given funding from overseas. The team at Feba Pakistan wants to thank supporters in the UK for praying so faithfully in recent months for this vital provision. Please pray that this money will be spent wisely to further the spread of the gospel across Pakistan.

MONDAY 12th July

Please continue to pray for the safety of Feba staff, especially those involved in production and on the follow-up teams as cases of intolerance, hate and fanaticism are on the rise again in Pakistan.  At the same time, the team is thankful for new doors that are opening to share the love of Christ with different communities through Feba broadcasts.

TUESDAY 13th July

Please pray for Feba staff and the Board of Directors who are working hard to produce a strategic plan for the ministry in Pakistan over the next three years. Pray for the provision of funds, partners, prayer supporters and donors to help make this strategic plan effective and see God multiply the growth of Feba's gospel ministry in Pakistan.  


The situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is worsening each day in Pakistan. With a growth in the number of deaths in various parts of the country, please pray for the Lord's mercy and healing on the nation. May this be a season when the healing and restoring power of Jesus becomes evident to all those who are suffering and feeling marginalised and forgotten.

THURSDAY 15th July

Praise God for the ministry opportunities that Feba Pakistan's new digital video training and production centre will provide when completed. Please pray for all those involved in the planning and implementation of these facilities. The aim is to produce short Bible-based stories on video for social media along with Christian songs, Bible messages and other relevant material for young people. The centre will also be used as a ground-breaking media training hub for Christian youth. 

FRIDAY 16th July

Feba's regular broadcasts on Shortwave, FM, web radio and social media are helping many listeners to discover Jesus who said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14: 6). Please pray for the special series that is currently being broadcast giving messages of hope, love and courage during the pandemic. Thank God for the encouraging responses from audiences across the country along with a significant rise in listenership in these days.  

SATURDAY 17th July

Persecution against Christians remains intense in Pakistan. Please pray for Feba's programmes to provide freedom and encouragement to those who are spiritually oppressed (Galatians 5:1). Ask God to guide Feba's broadcasters as they try to reach difficult areas in this country that are hostile to any mention of Jesus and God's invitation to live a new life in Him.