Feba Pakistan operates and broadcasts in an environment where there is insecurity and the threat of violence. The team is helping to address local issues and change attitudes in Pakistan by training local broadcasters. Working alongside other Christian partners, the team is developing the use of community radio to speak to the needs of their own communities, helping to reduce fear and bring hope to local people, especially during the recent widespread flooding.

SATURDAY 1st October

In the aftermath of the terrible monsoon flooding that has devastated vast areas of Pakistan in recent months, please pray for the millions who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Many are still suffering with cholera, malaria, diarrhoea and other waterborne diseases as a result of drinking contaminated flood water. Ask for God's help, strength and provision for the Government of Pakistan and the aid agencies involved in this huge relief operation. (Psalm 46:1-3)

SUNDAY 2nd October

Feba Pakistan is working in partnership with local churches to provide emergency aid and support for people who have been displaced by the flooding. Please pray for the Feba teams that are dedicated to this overwhelming task, along with the volunteers, rescue workers, civil defense staff, and social welfare organisations across the country. Pray particularly for the children, women and elderly people who are suffering and most at risk from disease. There are widespread reports of snake biting and other skin diseases affecting many vulnerable people.

Please pray also for Bob Chambers as he takes part in today’s London Marathon (www.feba.org.uk/Marathon)

MONDAY 3rd October

The production teams at Feba Pakistan are focusing on developing new content for listeners living in flood-affected areas of the country. Please ask the Holy Spirit to give wisdom, creativity and insight to the artists, writers and presenters involved in sharing God's life-giving messages of love and hope with these communities using different media platforms. (Lamentations 3:21-23)

TUESDAY 4th October

We thank God for Feba Pakistan's Board of Directors and the vital part they play in serving the ministry in a country facing many political and economic challenges. Ask the Lord for His guidance and protection over each member of the board and their families as they work tirelessly and faithfully to govern the ministry effectively. (Hebrews 13:7-8)

WEDNESDAY 5th October

Please pray for a number of activities that are being planned on the ground to engage with new listeners and strengthen ongoing relationships with Feba's audiences. The team is committed to bringing the good news of Jesus to every community in Pakistan. Pray the seeds that are being sown in many lives through hearing God's word on the airwaves and face-to-face will bear fruit in His perfect timing. (Matthew 13:23)

Please join us at our online prayer meeting this evening where we will hear directly from our Feba partner in Iraq. For full details see www.feba.org.uk/prayermeeting

THURSDAY 6th October

Please pray for the safety and protection of Feba Pakistan staff and their families as they travel long distances to meet with listeners and visit churches, particularly in areas affected by the recent floods. May they know the Lord's presence guiding and leading them at all times, especially in places where people are persecuted and marginalised for following Jesus Christ. (Joshua 1:9)

FRIDAY 7th October

Praise God for the upcoming Internship Media Programme that is aimed at equipping Christian young people to be proficient in using digital media. Please pray for the team preparing this training programme and for all the young people who have enrolled on the course. May they receive Godly wisdom and insights that will prepare them to become the Christian broadcasters of the future in Pakistan and further afield.

SATURDAY 8th October

Pakistan is facing both a political and economic crisis which is causing soaring inflation, unemployment, civil unrest and a growing intolerance in society. Our partners have asked us to keep praying for their troubled land. Ask God to stretch out His hand of mercy across the nation and empower His people to bring justice, peace and restoration in every walk of life. (2 Chronicles 7:14)