Northeast Africa (NEA) encompasses Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia. It’s a challenging region in so many ways. Feba UK partners in a variety of media projects where programmes are produced to address the physical, social and spiritual issues for audiences in remote communities, living in restrictive environments as well as those facing challenging life situations. Please pray for this region that has many tribal conflicts and is going through many changes. Over the next seven days we have been asked to pray for our partners working among the Sparrow* people in NE Africa.

SUNDAY 10th April

Please pray for believers across the region, supported by our partners, who are facing persecution and hostility. For some, the opposition is a daily experience and can come from within their own families, their homes, and the wider community. Pray that they might stand firm in the Lord and proclaim the truth of the gospel with boldness, despite the risks and dangers they might encounter.

(1 Thessalonians 3:8)

MONDAY 11th April

Give thanks that the Sparrow* translation of the New Testament is complete and due to be delivered with the team in May. Please pray for the team as they make plans and prepare for its arrival, making decisions on how best to distribute and share this exciting new offering. Pray that hearts will be open to receive and ask that His word would spread quickly across the region and be shared amongst many over the coming months and years.

TUESDAY 12th April

Please pray for the leadership within the Sparrow* believing community as they seek to shepherd believers and engage others across the region with the good news. Ask that God will grow ever closer to members of the team and enable them in their vision to use social media to reach many more through new technology and connections. Ask that God will bless the technology the team are using and that those listening and engaging will be blessed through them.

WEDNESDAY 13th April

Please pray for Sparrow* believers to embrace Acts 1:8 being His witnesses to the ends of the earth, strengthen and encourage them in their walk with Jesus. Ask that God will enable and sustain them in the face of opposition and instability to embrace the great commission fully and seeking to reach out with a message of hope and transformation. Pray that they will be sustained and encouraged by the Holy Spirit.

THURSDAY 14th April

Please pray that Sparrow* believers will see opportunities to love their neighbours by reaching out and assisting neighbouring people groups, as well as those to the North of the region. Ask that God will empower and embolden them to grow the Kingdom of God together, through encouragement, testimony, training, and support. Pray that God will connect the right leaders together as they seek to reach an even greater number of people across the region. 

FRIDAY 15th April

As we draw towards the end of the week and consider how God has met our own needs, pray for the projects providing humanitarian support in Sparrow* communities. Ask that God will bless them and their activities as they serve across this volatile region. Strengthen them and protect them as they establish links and offer care and compassion. Pray too for opportunities to enter previously closed areas, that God might open doors into these places and make a way for teams to enter.

SATURDAY 16th April 

Please pray for Sparrow* group leaders who are receiving training through radio broadcasts and resources. Ask that God will build them up as they grow in faith and encourage them as they move towards the creation of house churches in their communities. Pray too for growth in the team, that God might bring new members who will lead and guide that ministry. Support the team and those faithfully serving in this region as they share the ministry and the workload between each other. Pray that they can appropriately balance time with their families and find moments of rest and restoration throughout the week.