Get Involved Prayers This Week in Prayer: Nepal Just as Jesus cared for the whole person – body, mind and soul – our project partners in Nepal follow His example by addressing a wide range of issues with holistic solutions. Our partner radio stations, Afno FM, serve communities in Okhaldhunga (east Nepal) and Dadeldhura (west Nepal) sharing the good news and the personal transformation that only Jesus can bring. SUNDAY 7th March Praise God for the outreach work of Afno FM Okhaldhunga. The team ministers to needy children and distributes food parcels to hospital patients and prisoners. Please pray these words in Ephesians 1:18 for each person who has been ministered to in recent months: 'I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people'. MONDAY 8th March Internet connection is very poor in Okhaldhunga, especially during the winter months. Please pray for all the technical aspects of the ministry that neither the harsh winter weather nor the mountainous terrain will stop God's Word being heard clearly through the ministry of Afno FM. TUESDAY 9th March Please pray for the radio station at Dadeldhura station as talks continue about whether to move from their present location or agree to pay the higher rent demanded by the owner. While there are other places available for the radio station, rents are high and the team would prefer to avoid the upheaval of moving. WEDNESDAY 10th March The team is excited to be launching a new station in Chitwan Baagmati Province. As the first radio station to reach the nomadic Chepang people in Nepal, this is a powerful opportunity to share the gospel with people who have never heard the good news of Jesus. Please pray for the team who are training members of the Chepang community to run the station. THURSDAY 11th March We thank God for all the listeners who tune in regularly to the programmes on the radio and via the internet. Many are facing difficult situations with uncertainties over work, education, health and family problems. While cases of COVID-19 appear to be receding in Nepal, the economic fallout from the pandemic has been dire in many parts of the country. Please pray for all those affected by unemployment and mounting personal debt, especially those who were previously working in tourism. FRIDAY 12th March Join us as we give thanks to God for the generosity of supporters in the UK and across the world that enables our partners to renew their technical equipment. Please pray as they procure new solar batteries; the current batteries are more than six years old and often fail to charge properly which can interrupt the programme schedule. SATURDAY 13th March Please pray for all those working for Afno FM that they will be led by God's spirit to produce programmes that share the love and hope of Jesus and the transformation that only He can bring to individual lives and communities. Manage Cookie Preferences