Northeast Africa (NEA) is a challenging region in so many ways. In the midst of increasing levels of insecurity and violence, our partners are producing shortwave radio broadcasts for the *Sparrow community – an ethnic people group living in NEA which we cannot identify for security reasons.  Through a wide variety of programmes they are seeking to build relationships with their listeners by addressing subjects and issues that particularly resonate with them.

SUNDAY 11th September

Please pray for the Sparrow listening groups that are meeting together in small clusters. As they grow in strength and confidence by listening to God's word in their heart language, pray they would begin to see themselves as the Body of Christ and functioning as house churches in their communities. (Acts 2:42-47)

MONDAY 12th September

Please pray for perseverance, wisdom, and boldness for the Sparrow people as they face constant resistance, misunderstanding and persecution from those outside of their community. Praise God for His mercy and protection over the family of a Sparrow producer that faced ethnic discrimination and hardship recently while staying in a different region from their own. (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

TUESDAY 13th September

Praise God for the ways the Sparrow community is sowing seeds for the Gospel in areas where few or no other believers are living. Please pray they will start to see the fruit of the Spirit appearing in places where people are hearing God's word for the first time on the radio. (Galatians 5:22-23)

WEDNESDAY 14th September

Please pray for good communication and fellowship between radio producers, listening group leaders, and local church leaders that they might be encouraged and united in their efforts to reach the Sparrow people with the good news of Jesus. (Psalm 133:1)

THURSDAY 15th September

There is an urgent need for more people within the Sparrow community to be equipped to take on leadership roles within the church. Please pray for God's calling on people who are full of the Holy Spirit and who will be faithful to the task of serving His people and leading others to faith in Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-13)

FRIDAY 16th September

The Sparrow community has faced an increasing number of unprovoked acts of violence and unjustified persecution in recent weeks. We thank God that despite this intimidation, the Sparrow people have witnessed God's protection and faithfulness. Please pray these words of Jesus in Luke 6:27 for the Sparrow people, "...Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you".

SATURDAY 17th September

This area of Northeast Africa is experiencing severe drought, failed harvests, severe food shortages and soaring inflation. Despite this, the Sparrow people are remarkably resilient. Please pray they will continue to trust in God for His daily provision and listen to His guidance through whatever lies ahead.  (Jeremiah 29:11)