Get Involved Prayers This week in prayer: Mozambique Feba partner Radio Wimbe is helping to bring lasting, positive change in the communities in Pemba, Mozambique. The team shares the good news of Jesus Christ with the Makonde, Mwani and Makua tribal groups over the radio, in Bible studies and through follow up visits. For many of those living in these tribal groups, the programmes shared by Radio Wimbe are the first time they will have heard the gospel in their own heart language. SUNDAY 22nd January Praise God for the opportunities to screen the Jesus film in communities around Pemba that began in December. Please pray for all those who have responded to the invitation to follow Jesus at the end of the film. Pray for the team at Radio Wimbe who are involved in the follow-up and discipleship of these new believers. (Matthew 28:19-20) MONDAY 23rd January Radio Wimbe is developing a wider ministry beyond the region of Pemba in northern Mozambique by providing Bible teaching and gospel-based programmes to other community radio stations across the country. Please pray for the team involved in producing, translating and distributing these special programmes. May God's word that is spoken over the airwaves accomplish His plans and purposes in Mozambique and beyond. (Isaiah 55:11) TUESDAY 24th January Please pray for the security situation in the Province of Cabo Delgado. There has been an increasing intensity of attacks in this province since January 2019. Militants have used explosives, machetes and firearms to carry out lethal attacks on local communities, as well as burning vehicles and homes. There is also a serious threat of kidnap in the northern districts of Cabo Delgado province. Pray for all those engaged in trying to build peace and end violent conflicts in this region. (Matthew 5:9) WEDNESDAY 25th January The cost of living crisis is hitting the poorest the hardest, especially in rural parts of northern Mozambique. The situation is even more acute in Cabo Delgado province where nearly a million people have been displaced from their homes with many now living informally alongside local residents. Please pray for the team at Radio Wimbe as they reach out with Christ's compassion over the airwaves to those in great need. (Psalm 82:3) THURSDAY 26th January Climate change is being felt acutely in northern Mozambique. The region is bracing itself for four cyclones and less rain than in previous years. Please pray for God's protection over people and communities that are already suffering severe hardship. Pray that the team at Radio Wimbe will be able to use radio to warn of impending storms and provide vital information in the event of a major emergency. FRIDAY 27th January Please pray for Radio Wimbe's Portuguese-speaking presenter who is currently in hospital after requiring an emergency caesarean section at seven months into her pregnancy. Please pray for the health and wellbeing of both mother and baby at this critical time. SATURDAY 28th January Please pray for the producers and presenters working for Radio Wimbe. Many on the team are local people who have been learning their skills on the job. Using local people to speak to their neighbours and friends on air about issues that concern them personally is having a powerful impact on local communities. Pray for an openness to listen to gospel messages alongside local debates and discussions on the radio. (Romans 1:16) SUNDAY 29th January The northern provinces of Mozambique are predominantly Muslim, which means that a significant number of listeners to Radio Wimbe are practising Muslims. Please pray that seeds will be sown in their lives as they listen to gospel messages on the radio. May they experience Jesus visiting them in dreams and visions as is currently happening in many other parts of the Muslim world. (Acts 2:17) MONDAY 30th January The team at Radio Wimbe has helped to set up many Bible study groups in the area in recent years. Please pray for the leaders of these groups that they would be faithful to God's word and set a Christlike example of service to every person who participates in these meetings. (1 Corinthians 4:2) TUESDAY 31st January Given the instability and insecurity in this region, please pray for God's protection over all those who go out from Radio Wimbe to disciple and minister to people in the local community. Many are prepared to risk their lives for the sake of the gospel. (1 Peter 3:14) Manage Cookie Preferences