Get Involved Prayers This week in prayer: Mali Our partners in Mali have successfully launched new radio broadcasts that are taking the Good News of Jesus into hard-to-reach places in the north where no missionaries can go. Since April 2021, following a small pilot, the team has started to produce programmes in four local languages and are paying local FM community stations in the north to air them. SUNDAY 23rd October Please pray for Feba's brave and courageous partner, Amadou*, who is continuing to produce gospel-based programmes in a local studio and then arranging for them to be aired on commercial radio stations in northern and central Mali where 99.9% of the population are Muslims. Ask God to protect those working at the commercial radio stations as they could face threats for broadcasting God's word in areas where Jihadist culture is rife. (2 Samuel 22:3-4) MONDAY 24th October Pray for those hearing God's word on the radio in the north of Mali for perhaps the first time in their lives today. May God's word land in 'good soil' so the listeners who hear it both understand and allow it to take root in their lives. Pray this will be the beginning of a great harvest of souls that will bring glory to God in a country riven by conflict, insecurity and division. (Matthew 13:23) TUESDAY 25th October A number of workers and their families who partner with Amadou and his radio ministry are facing threats from militant Islamists in their areas of work. As we lift them up in prayer today, may they know God's heavenly protection surrounding them and giving them the faith to continue making Christ known in this hostile environment. (Psalm 34:7) WEDNESDAY 26th October Following a military coup in Mali in 2021, please pray that the next elections will go ahead as scheduled in 2023. Many fear that free and fair elections are now a thing of the past. In the words of the Lord's Prayer, we ask our Heavenly Father for His kingdom to come and His will to be done in Mali so that elections can take place next year in an atmosphere that is open, transparent, democratic and peaceful. (Matthew 6:10) THURSDAY 27th October A number of terrorist attacks have taken place in the north of Mali recently. Please pray for all those affected by violence. Many schools remain closed, and people are fearful to venture any distance from their homes. Pray too for the men of violence that they would lay down their arms and seek peace. (Psalm 34:14) FRIDAY 28th October In this season of harvest in Mali, Amadou has asked us to pray for a number of Christian families engaged in agricultural work in the country. Due to the ongoing conflict, many fields have remained empty and unproductive. Pray for God's provision and a rich outpouring of generosity in the midst of global food shortages and soaring prices. (2 Corinthians 8:2) SATURDAY 29th October Please pray for the plans to distribute Bibles and biblical literature in Arabic to Muslims at the end of this month. This is a bold venture that could be met with hostility and derision. Pray for receptive hearts that will receive these gifts with a spirit of openness and gratitude. SUNDAY 30th October We remember especially the young people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour in Mali in recent months. Pray that their faith would come alive, and they would become active in the life of the church. Ask for God's strength and protection in the face of persecution that many Christian young people are already suffering. (2 Timothy 1:8) MONDAY 31st October Please pray for the people of Mali who are caught in a cycle of poverty, violence and political instability. Pray for the Lord's protection over Christian leaders, many of whom are exhausted and in need of support and encouragement to continue their church ministries. Please continue to pray for Amadou and his team as they keep looking for fresh, innovative ways to share the gospel in some of the hardest to reach places in the world today. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) *name changed for security reasons Thank you for your invaluable prayer support for Feba’s ministry. Manage Cookie Preferences