Kyrgyzstan is a relatively small nation nestled on the border of China in the heart of Asia. Less than 1% of this culturally Muslim nation profess Christian faith. With a population of 6.3 million, it is one of the least reached countries in the world. Yet God is at work in Kyrgyzstan in surprising ways. People are hungry for God. Most have never heard the message of the gospel. The Kyrgyzstan team runs a network of six FM stations with a heart and passion to reach the whole country with their family-focused programmes and gospel messages. Some of the prayer points for this week are linked to Elena's story that appears in the upcoming issue of Feba's voice magazine.  

SUNDAY 15th January

Praise God for the team at FEBC Kyrgyzstan that is currently able to reach around five million listeners scattered across six provinces in this remote, landlocked nation. As the second poorest country in Central Asia, the people of Kyrgyzstan face many deep-seated social problems including high rates of alcoholism, depression, domestic abuse and disaffection. Please pray that those who are suffering may receive healing and hope through hearing the good news of Jesus on one of FEBC's six FM stations. (Luke 4:18)

MONDAY 16th January

It's not always easy to get feedback from listeners, especially those living in isolated, hard-to-reach areas, but we rejoice that a listener called Elena* has been in contact with FEBC team member, Una*. Please pray for Elena as she struggles to keep her household going while often feeling exhausted and depressed. We thank God for the opportunities that team members like Una are having to pray with listeners and witness to God's peace that is beyond all human understanding. (Philippians 4: 6-7)

TUESDAY 17th January

Please pray for the team that produces the School of Mothers programme. Praise God that Elena first heard the good news of Jesus while listening to this practical and spiritually encouraging programme. Please pray that the word would spread quickly among mothers and families about how FEBC's programmes are bringing light into darkness and hope where people are in despair. (Romans 5:3-5)   

WEDNESDAY 18th January

Please pray for Elena's husband who is not happy about her Christian faith. Pray that as Elena responds to her husband's harshness with the love of Jesus that his heart will soften and he will come to see the difference that only Jesus can truly make in our lives. (Luke 6:27-36)

THURSDAY 19th January

Kyrgyzstan is almost entirely covered by mountains. Praise God that in this challenging terrain, FEBC has managed to locate six stations on the tops of strategic mountain peaks which are able to broadcast to most areas of the country. Please pray for the team as they continue to work on ways to reach every person with the good news of Jesus in their heart language of Kyrgyz. (Matthew 24:14)

FRIDAY 20th January

Our partners inform us that polygamy, abuse against women, occult activity, and ancestor worship are common in Kyrgyzstan. Please pray for the pain that women, in particular, are experiencing in many parts of the country. Pray that God would use FEBC's programmes in powerful ways to change the hearts and minds of the people. (Ezekiel 36:26)

SATURDAY 21st December

Please pray for a listener called Zhanardin* who says, "I have been listening to your broadcast for quite a while and really believe that we could save our marriage if we would put our trust in God. I suggested to my wife also to listen to you. She is not ready yet, but I hope she will be soon". (Romans 12:12)