Japan is one of the least reached countries in the world, with only 0.8% of the population professing an evangelical Christian faith. This small number continues to decline as fewer young people are coming to faith in Christ. Japan is one of FEBC’s top priorities as they seek new ways to bring the hope of Christ to those who desperately need to hear the good news.

SUNDAY 13th November

Even though Japan’s population is less than 1% Christian, there are many signs that God is at work. One example is the listener who wrote to FEBC Japan saying, 'I started to drink and was becoming an alcoholic. But one day, I remembered the FEBC broadcasts. After listening, I gave my life to Christ and was baptized'. Please pray that this person's testimony will witness to others in a country where hearts are largely closed to the gospel. (John 3:16)

MONDAY 14th November

Our partners at FEBC Japan believe that many are open to hearing and receiving the good news of Jesus but hesitate due to opposition from their Buddhist families. Please ask God to guide the FEBC broadcast team as they share the gospel and build trusting relationships with listeners from different faiths and none. (John 13:34-35)

TUESDAY 15th November

Religious radio stations are not permitted in Japan, which means FEBC programmes have to be transmitted into the country from South Korea. Please pray for the teams working so hard to produce some of the only Christian broadcast media available for Japanese listeners. As we give thanks for the faithful believers in Japan, we pray that many will feel supported by FEBC Japan's radio ministry and encouraged to share God's love with family, friends and neighbours.

WEDNESDAY 16th November

Most of Japan's population take part in Shinto and Buddhist practices. With over 65% of the population unreached with the gospel, please pray for the good news of Jesus to be made known across this densely populated country. Pray that listeners will continue to connect with FEBC's local follow-up team who faithfully respond to every letter and request they receive. (Colossians 1:27)

THURSDAY 17th November

Despite being one of the world’s most affluent nations, there is a deep sense of sadness and loneliness among many Japanese people. Culturally, there is great emphasis placed on career, wealth, and success. In this context, it is unsurprising that Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. Please pray for the new programmes that are being produced to address these key social issues and to help provide a spiritual family for listeners who might be feeling particularly lost and alone at this time. (Psalm 68:6)

FRIDAY 18th November

Please pray for listeners, Mr K* and his mother. He says, 'My mother started listening to FEBC broadcasts and this opened her eyes to the truth of Christianity. She gave me a Bible and I started to read it, little by little. On Christmas day, in my third year of high school, I got baptised and accepted Christ as my saviour, because I wanted to be saved like my mother. I am really grateful to her'. Mr K's mother is currently suffering with mental illness but K has promised to take good care of her and 'show her the love she showed me by bringing me to Christ'.

SATURDAY 19th November

A listener recently shared, 'I wonder if Jesus is calling me to be His friend although I am Buddhist?'. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide our team in responding to questions like this and for listeners to experience the life-changing love of Christ for themselves. (1 John 3:1-2)