YASKI, the local name of FEBC, shares the good news across the nation of Indonesia – home to the largest Muslim population in the world. YASKI broadcasts content on 105 of Indonesia’s local and national radio stations, sharing the good news of Jesus alongside programmes covering subjects from sports to radio dramas.

SUNDAY 17th January  

Please pray for the regular parenting seminars on Radio Heartline. Hosted by various Christian parenting coaches, these programmes begin with some coaching input before phone lines are opened for callers to ask questions and receive practical advice on parenting. Pray for God's wisdom and sensitivity for the presenters when giving advice. May listeners be receptive to applying Christian values in their families and be willing to explore a personal relationship with Jesus.

MONDAY 18th January  

YASKI listener, Yohanes has been a widower for some time. His children left home a while ago leaving him completely on his own. Yohanes knows Jesus as his saviour but feels isolated with no other believers living nearby. Please pray for those like Yohanes who depend on YASKI for fellowship, Bible teaching and support in their discipleship.

TUESDAY 19th January   

Please pray for the Voice of YASKI programme that launched recently. This new programme, presented by Pastor Wilson Suwanto, explores the scriptures and takes questions on how different biblical characters speak into the lives and situations of listeners today. 

WEDNESDAY 20th January 

Founded in 1969 at a time when Indonesia was starting a new chapter in its history, YASKI has just celebrated its golden jubilee. Please pray that the team will continue to share how Jesus offers himself for all peoples regardless of their faith, background or situation.

THURSDAY 21st January 

Please pray for Agustinus, a travelling evangelist who has shared the good news across Indonesia since 1997. His ministry has led him to overcome many dangers and obstacles, even sleeping out in the elements at times. Despite having retired, he is still sharing the good news of His saviour, Jesus. Ask God to protect him with good health and safety as he continues to be His witness among this predominantly Muslim population.

FRIDAY 22nd January  

Along with every nation across the world, Indonesia has been responding to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. With the need to maintain social distance from each other, YASKI has been organising online worship events. Please pray for all those attending these special times of worship that they may be uplifted by praising God and receive His comfort and strength during this very challenging time.

SATURDAY 23rd January 

Since 2001, YASKI’s children’s programmes have been broadcasting educational content that shares the scriptures and reveals God’s love in ways that help children know their innate worth in Christ. YASKI also provides support through scholarships for underprivileged children, along with counselling services for children and parents. Please pray for listeners and those receiving life-changing, practical support.