Our partners serving in India work to reach diverse audiences including women, rural communities, and young people. Programmes are produced and delivered at grassroots level in the languages of those listening. As local Christians share the transformation Jesus brings, listeners are encouraged to make positive changes in their lives. Our prayers this week link with an article in our next voice magazine about the work of our partner's First Response Radio Team in the wake of the devastating floods that hit the state of Assam last year. 

WEDNESDAY 1st February

Please pray for our partner's First Response Radio Team (FRR) as they continue to broadcast messages of hope, health and hygiene to people in the worst affected flood areas of Assam. Pray for those who are still engaged in the relief effort, including many listeners who are volunteering their time and giving whatever they can to help those who lost their homes, livelihoods and family members in the floods. 2 Corinthians 8:1-7

THURSDAY 2nd February

Praise God for our partner's First Response Radio Team and their willingness to serve people in extremely challenging and dangerous situations across this vast country. Please pray that the team will be able to organise further FRR training in the near future, especially to recruit and equip new, younger members on to the team.

FRIDAY 3rd February

The fisheries, which apart from the tea industry are a main source of employment in Assam, completely disappeared in the floods. Farmers who managed to rescue their livestock soon found they had no food to feed them as all their crops had been destroyed. Please pray for hope, strength and the resources people need to rebuild their lives and livelihoods. Psalm 46:1-3

SATURDAY 4th February

Many parts of north India are currently facing severe cold weather which is causing widespread disruption to daily life. Please lift up in prayer those who are most vulnerable and at risk, including abandoned children, the homeless and those trapped in poverty. Pray for the resources and opportunities for our partner's team in India to help serve those in greatest need at this time. Proverbs 19:17