Our partners serving in India work to reach diverse audiences including women, rural communities, and young people. Programmes are produced and delivered at grass roots level in the languages of those listening. As local Christians share the transformation Jesus brings, listeners are encouraged to make positive changes in their lives.  

THURSDAY 1st September

Feba's partner, First Response Radio (FRR) is running training sessions in the north of India to equip younger people to use radio to broadcast life-saving information in the wake of emergencies and natural disasters. As well as discovering the life-saving role that radio plays in times of emergency, please pray that these young people will also have opportunities to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus Christ. (Psalm 57:1)

FRIDAY 2nd September

Feba India's follow-up teams are currently receiving a high volume of calls from listeners facing severe financial hardship. Having suffered the loss of jobs and livelihoods during the Covid-19 pandemic, listeners are now facing soaring prices with many struggling to feed their families and pay for medical care. Please pray for wisdom as our partner's counsellors take time to listen and speak God's words of comfort and reassurance into seemingly impossible situations. (Mark 10:27)

SATURDAY 3rd September

Many of the programmes aired by Feba India are produced and presented by volunteers living and working in local communities. We thank God for these faithful people who give up so much of their time to address local issues, especially from a Christian perspective. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire them to produce programmes that bring glory to God and speak into the hearts of people on a wide range of practical and often highly sensitive matters

SUNDAY 4th September

Praise God for the times when our partner's response teams are able to pray with listeners over the phone. Many lives have been touched and given fresh hope through this vital, one-to-one ministry. Please lift up the response teams in your prayers today asking God to fill them with His Spirit and enable them to speak with wisdom and respond in love, particularly to abusive callers who are vehemently opposed to the Gospel. (Matthew 5:11-12)

MONDAY 5th September

Please pray for God's protection over team members who regularly travel long distances to meet with listeners. It is widely acknowledged that India has some of the world's most dangerous roads: lethal potholes, stray cattle and overloaded vehicles are just some of the reasons why so many die on the roads each year in India.

TUESDAY 6th September

Our partners are committed to broadcasting the good news of Jesus through radio and a host of other media, including online and podcasting. With such a vast array of programmes being aired each day, please pray that everything will bring glory to God without compromising Christian values. (Titus 1:9)

WEDNESDAY 7th September

An unusually high number of staff have been unwell recently, with various different health problems. Please pray for God's healing touch on these staff members and their families as they take time to rest and recover. As they put their hope in the Lord, may He renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31)

 Please join us at our online prayer meeting this evening where we will hear directly from our Feba’s partner Dawit in Northeast Africa. For full details, see www.feba.org.uk/prayermeeting

THURSDAY 8th September

Our partner in India is blessed to be supported by a large community of prayer partners and donors across the country in addition to the support they receive from Feba supporters in the UK. We give thanks today for the generosity of so many Feba supporters around the world who enable God's work to continue 'until all have heard'. (Proverbs 11:25)

FRIDAY 9th September

Please pray for God's blessing and for further expansion of the Speaker Box outreach across different parts of India. This innovative technology is roughly the size of a mobile phone with a speaker on one side and a solar panel on the reverse. Now the Covid-19 pandemic has eased, people are gathering together again at the listener hubs to discuss the programmes they have listened to and enjoy fellowship and support.

SATURDAY 10th September

Our partner's team in India has asked us to pray that God will help them be good stewards of their time, money and resources, especially when so many are struggling financially and are fearful about the future. (Luke 16:10)