Great Britain and Ireland are a resource field supporting vital radio and audio media mission across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. As well as prayer support from a growing number of individuals and churches, the UK and other western countries are providing technical support and funding for many of the day-to-day aspects of the ongoing ministry.

SUNDAY 26th July 

We give thanks for Feba’s supporters, many of whom have journeyed, prayed and supported this mission for decades. The team at Feba UK are so grateful for the way supporters have continued to pray and give during this time of upheaval and uncertainty caused by Covid-19. Please pray for opportunities to share about the work of Feba UK and encourage others to support this unique ministry.

MONDAY 27th July 

Feba UK is blessed to have over 200 Associates who support the ministry as members of the charity. Collectively they choose who sits on Feba’s board of trustees and vote on key decisions at the Annual General Meeting. As we give thanks for these Associates, please pray they will be attentive to God’s voice and steer the organisation in ways that will continue to spread the gospel and honour His name.

TUESDAY 28th July 

The support team at Feba UK is starting to review the financial support the projects will need in 2021. Please pray for all those working on next year’s budget, especially as they grapple with uncertainties over future income due to Covid-19. Above all, please pray the funding that projects receive across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East will help to reap an abundant harvest for the Kingdom.


The Board of Trustees carry a great deal of responsibility for the oversight of Feba’s ministry. We give thanks for their dedicated service and for the various complementary skills and abilities they bring to bear on all sorts of governance matters. Please pray for all of Feba’s trustees especially Rod Street who will soon be stepping down as Chair and from the board, for George Gilbert who will be Chairing the board for a term, and Andrew Steele who was appointed to the board in late June.

THURSDAY 30th July

The shape of Feba’s ministry portfolio is reviewed often, but changes are not made lightly. As we continue to explore how our relationship with the FEBC International Association and other partners should evolve, please pray that we would make wise decisions about the projects we support directly, seeking always the advance of God’s kingdom and His glory.

FRIDAY 31st July

Since March the UK team has been working remotely, with just a small skeleton staff who are now processing supporter donations from Feba’s main office in Worthing. We give thanks that during this extended time the team has been able to adapt quickly and respond effectively to requests from the mission field, especially at a time when the ministry is expanding with listenership growing significantly. Please continue to pray for the ongoing sale of Feba’s office, Skywaves House. After the latest sale fell through recently due to economic uncertainties, a new buyer has now stepped forward. Please pray for a quick and easy sale after what has turned into long and complex process.