Gaweylon Radio, Feba UK’s partner in Tibet, broadcasts mainly to a Buddhist population. In an environment where evangelism is not welcomed by the Tibetan authorities, much of this work is done at great risk. Their radio programmes, CDs and literature help listeners consider social and spiritual change, as well as offering practical advice and teaching about the Christian faith.

SUNDAY 23rd February

Please pray for the four staff members on the Programming Team as they prepare each day to share a wide range of topics with their Tibetan radio audience. The team researches and broadcasts features on issues relating to health, the environment and conservation, stories, interviews, Bible stories and messages along with traditional and modern Tibetan music and songs. Ask God to inspire them with fresh, creative ideas and messages that will open hearts and minds to the truth about Jesus.

MONDAY 24th February

Please pray for the Follow-up team as Tibetans begin celebrating the Tibetan New Year from today until 26th February. The team is preparing to post letters with a special calendar to listeners. They will also be posting literature and CDs to listeners in India, Nepal and Bhutan. Please pray for the safe delivery of all the letters and parcels and ask that the material will bless all those who receive it and be shared widely among family, friends and local communities.

TUESDAY 25th February

The team has started some new media initiatives to reach their Tibetan audience, including putting their radio programmes on YouTube for people where the internet is not restricted. Praise God that the response has been most encouraging. Programmes are also being distributed on a special USB pen drive. Meanwhile, Gaweylon’s broadcasts are reaching a wide audience on shortwave radio in Tibet, India, Nepal and Bhutan. Please pray that God would use all these various forms of media to bless people and build them up in their faith (Matthew 13:8).    

WEDNESDAY 26th February

A key part of Gaweylon’s ministry is their Training and Mentoring Programme that gives young men and women the opportunity to work with the team and learn new skills in radio production. Please pray for the five trainees currently on the programme and ask God to help them grow in their faith and understanding through this wonderful experience.

THURSDAY 27th February

The reception of the radio programmes has been good and without interference in recent months. Please pray for God’s protection over all the technical and practical aspects of the ministry to ensure the reception continues to be good so the programmes can be heard clearly and be a great blessing to many listeners.   

FRIDAY 28th February

Another important part of Gaweylon’s ministry is providing counselling and encouragement to people. Please pray for the counselling team that they will have godly wisdom and sensitivity when offering guidance and support to people in very challenging situations.    

SATURDAY 29th February

As well as broadcasting, the team is regularly preparing audio, video and printed resources that are then distributed widely to a number of different audiences. The team also shares many Tibetan Christian resources with those who request them. Please pray that all these broadcasts and resources will touch hearts and open doors for the good news of Jesus to be heard both in Tibet and among the large Tibetan diaspora communities in neighbouring countries.