Over the last 19 years, the FEBC Cambodia team has been reaching many more people through their Krusa FM radio broadcasts. With only 0.5% of Cambodians professing the Christian faith, new social media initiatives are making it possible to reach greater numbers of young people. Today, a 500-watt relay station in Kampong Thom Province reaches provinces that were previously unreachable. Teams also provide radios to those living in the most remote areas. Where roads are scarce in Cambodia’s borderlands, the gospel is scarcer, but radio is connecting families and communities so they too can hear the good news of Jesus for the first time.      

SUNDAY 1st January

Praise God for a new believer who has recently put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as a direct result of hearing the gospel on Krusa FM. Please pray for the follow-up team as they continue to reach out and disciple this person. As this person grows in their faith, pray they will have the confidence to share their testimony and draw others to listen to the good news on Krusa FM. (John 7:38)

MONDAY 2nd January

Please pray for the team responsible for compiling all the documentation required to seek permission to construct a new radio tower. Ask for God's guidance and blessing over this exciting new development which will help to improve the signal and extend the reach of Krusa FM in hard-to-reach areas of Cambodia. (Proverbs 16:3)

TUESDAY 3rd January

We give thanks to God for guiding the team at Krusa FM to find a local partner to collaborate on the production of an exciting new programme titled Kingdom of God. Please pray for all those involved in this gospel programme that they may be bold and united in proclaiming the truth of God's kingdom in a land where approximately 93% of the population is Buddhist. (Matthew 6:33)

WEDNESDAY 4th January

Please pray for the Centennial Celebration of the Gospel in Cambodia that is taking place later this month on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 January in Koh Pich, a satellite city in the capital, Phnom Penh. Pray for all those involved in the organisation and planning of this historic occasion that is celebrating 100 years of Christian faith and witness in Cambodia. May this be a time of renewal and rededication for Christians across the country as they gather to celebrate God's goodness and bring Him glory through times of worship and teaching.

Please note that there is no monthly online prayer meeting this evening. Do join us next month for our first meeting of 2023 - Wednesday 1st February at 7pm. All the details can be found on our website here: www.feba.org.uk/prayermeeting

THURSDAY 5th January

Please pray for wisdom and patience for the staff at Krusa FM as they continue to produce high-quality content, especially for families and young people who are searching for meaning and purpose in their lives. Pray that each member of the team will have the grace and humility to seek and to serve the needs of their brothers and sisters in Cambodia. (Philippians 2:3-8)

FRIDAY 6th January

FEBC Cambodia communicates God's love in the Khmer language using both FM and shortwave radio and through personal contact with listeners. Please pray for the team today as they seek to fulfil their mission to see Cambodian families and individuals experience God's healing from the past (it's estimated that 1.5 to 2 million people died at the hands of the Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Pol Pot), to receive His help for today and to trust in His promise of hope for the future.

SATURDAY 7th January

Praise God for Krusa FM listeners who are willing to share their testimony over the airwaves. Please pray for more people to come forward and share how God has spoken to them and helped to transform their lives through listening to powerful gospel messages and testimonies on Krusa FM. (1 Peter 3:15)