Feba UK works with partners and communities across Africa, Asia and the Middle East to transform lives using life-giving media. Feba UK is one of the resource fields that collectively fund ministry fields spread across Asia, Africa, Eurasia, and the Middle East. As well as fostering prayer support from individuals and churches, the UK and other resource fields are providing technical support and funding for many of the day-to-day aspects of this ongoing ministry.

SUNDAY 25th September

Please continue to pray for the sale of Feba UK's office, Skywaves House. The prospective purchaser is awaiting confirmation of detailed planning conditions from the local council, but in general terms the sale seems to be progressing well – albeit slowly. Please pray for clarity around timescale, straightforward completion in due course, and a smooth transition for everyone involved and affected by this important decision. While a new location is yet to be decided, please pray for wisdom and guidance on next steps. (Psalm 32:8)

MONDAY 26th September

As Anna Couper and Sheila Leech prepare to leave Feba UK this month, please pray for the team during this time of transition and change; please pray specifically for Anna as she begins a new role and for Sheila as she begins her retirement. With September therefore marking a time of new beginnings, please ask God to bless this new season for Feba UK. Please remember especially those who God is calling and preparing to join the team and serve in this precious ministry. (1 Peter 4:10-11)

TUESDAY 27th September

Please pray for safety and good health for the team as they travel and spend time with Feba's partners. As Covid-19 continues to have an impact on some of our partners, pray that God will make smooth paths for all the journeys planned for the coming months. Pray that team members will have a real awareness of God's presence, leading and protection. (Exodus 33:14)

WEDNESDAY 28th September

Please pray for Feba UK's Chief Executive, Bob Chambers, as he gets ready for the London Marathon on 2nd October and then the Cape Town Marathon on 16th October too! Please pray specifically for safety and stamina - as well as times of rest and recovery - in the next few weeks as he takes on this dual challenge. If you’d like to find out more about his preparations and details of how to sponsor him, then please see www.feba.org.uk/Marathon

THURSDAY 29th September

As Feba's new financial year begins on 1st October, please pray for all those involved in the broader planning process and budgeting - especially in the light of the national and international economic challenges we are likely to face in the coming months. Ask that God will bless the plans of our partners and the Feba team as they prepare for the year ahead. May we be mindful of Jesus's words in the Sermon on the Mount to not worry about tomorrow, but instead 'seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well'. (Matthew 6:33-34)

FRIDAY 30th September

On the final day of Feba’s financial year ‘FY22’, we give thanks to God once again for the way in which He has so faithfully sustained and provided for the ministry through the past twelve months. Let’s pray with a spirit of anticipation for all that God has in store for Feba in this new season and financial year, trusting Him in all things. (Isaiah 43:19)

Thank you for your invaluable prayer support for Feba’s ministry.