Get Involved Prayers This Week in Prayer: Feba Pakistan Feba Pakistan operates and broadcasts in an environment with constant threats of violence and insecurity. In addition to the prayer requests below please pray Feba Pakistan's broadcasts on how to tackle the coronavirus outbreak. SUNDAY 22nd March Please pray for divine wisdom for the Board of Directors, staff and their families and ask God to keep them healthy and safe in His hands. Pray that the staff and Governing Board of Feba Pakistan will have the patience and fortitude to face and deal with the various challenges that arise each day. MONDAY 23rd March Please pray for our partner’s FMXP project teams as they carry out training and grassroots activities in various cities with the help of volunteers working with Feba Pakistan’s radio team. We thank God for their commitment and sacrifices as they give their time and talents to encourage and uplift communities. Please pray for godly wisdom and for protection and security as they travel and meet with different groups in communities across Pakistan. TUESDAY 24th March The team has recently launched a new Urdu programme, ‘Your Response Received’, which is an exciting round-up of some of the amazing responses that Feba Pakistan receives via shortwave radio, FM radio, social media and internet radio programmes. As well as thanking listeners for responding, this popular programme is encouraging more people to interact with Feba Pakistan through many different on air and off air activities. Please pray for everyone involved in this programme, especially those involved in supporting people who want to know more about following Jesus. WEDNESDAY 25th March Feba Pakistan has recently developed two new Urdu programmes for shortwave and social media platforms. Please pray for their effectiveness in reaching the needs of both young and older audiences. Pray for God’s leading and the anointing of the Holy Spirit when people listen and respond to these programmes. THURSDAY 26th March The annual listener’s conference provides a great opportunity to invite those who are hungry to know more about God’s Word and His Son, Jesus Christ. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to guide the Feba Pakistan team as they prepare for this important gathering that is due to take place in June 2020. FRIDAY 27th March Praise God that the first phase of building the new Media Production and Training Centre has been completed. Please pray for God’s blessing on this project as the team prepares to start producing video programmes teaching Biblical themes that will be broadcast via social media and web-based TV in the coming months. SATURDAY 28th March The second phase of Feba Pakistan’s Media Production and Training Centre is focused on hiring staff and production. Please keep praying for the staff recruitment process, including an urgent need for content writers and experienced video editors and producers. Ask God for His wisdom to appoint the people He has called to carry out these key roles. SUNDAY 29th March Our follow-up team uses social media, emails, phone calls and letter writing to engage with listeners. Many of these listeners are desperately searching for love and hope in their lives. Feba Pakistan’s programmes provide a much-needed ray of hope to these people. Please ask God for His love, wisdom, patience and strength for our follow-up team who spend many hours listening, talking and praying with those who call and helping them to discovermore about Jesus Christ. MONDAY 30th March Feba Pakistan’s production teams are working very hard to produce new programmes in response to the needs and requests from different target audiences. Please pray for wisdom and creativity for the content creators, artists and technical staff. May they be one in spirit and work for the glory of God through their different talents. TUESDAY 31st March Please pray for the leaders and government of Pakistan that they will act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8). Recently the government has introduced new tax laws which will have a direct impact on the funding of Feba Pakistan. Please pray that government officials will not put up unnecessary barriers that could affect the ongoing mission and ministry of Feba Pakistan in future. Manage Cookie Preferences