Our partner radio station in Egypt – Voice of Egypt* – engages with urban young people, sharing the good news of Jesus and promoting community cohesion.  The station speaks about everyday issues that young people encounter in Egypt’s towns and cities. The team offers solutions from a Christian perspective – sharing the good news of Jesus and promoting community cohesion with listeners from a range of religious and political backgrounds.

SUNDAY 26th June

Praise God for members of the team at Voice of Egypt – many are young including a number of students who volunteer their spare time, especially during evenings and weekends to make programmes and follow up with listeners. Please ask the Lord to bless these faithful young people and encourage them deeply in their spirit as they engage and patiently help listeners to put their faith and trust in Jesus. (John 5:24)

MONDAY 27th June

In a country where the vast majority are Sunni Muslim and only a small minority are Christians, it can be a struggle to find people who are willing to talk openly about Jesus and engage in discussions about God's Word. Please pray for all those who might feel fearful about asking searching questions and taking part in live discussions on the radio or via the internet. Give boldness, Lord, and draw many new people to hear the good news of Jesus.

TUESDAY 28th June

Please pray for new members to join the team at Voice of Egypt and perform a number of key roles from production and presentation to counselling and follow-up. Ask God for wisdom to know who has a genuine heart for Jesus and this radio ministry and is passionate about sharing their faith with their Muslim friends and neighbours.


For many people, their first encounter with Voice of Egypt is through the Facebook page. Please pray that people will be attracted by what they see and hear and be willing to share content with family and friends. Pray that Voice of Egypt's presence on social media continues to be a beacon of light and hope that encourages more people to tune in online. (Psalm 89:15)

THURSDAY 30th June

Please pray especially for all those continuing their journey of faith with the help of the follow-up team at Voice of Egypt. Praise God for all He is doing through this ministry to nurture and disciple people in their faith in very challenging situations. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide members of the follow-up team with words of wisdom, grace, mercy and peace. (Colossians 4:6)

Thank you for your invaluable prayer support for Feba’s ministry.