Through online broadcasts and listener engagement, *Voice of Egypt speaks about everyday issues while sharing the good news of Jesus and promoting community cohesion with urban young people from a range of religious and political backgrounds.

SATURDAY 1st February 

Praise God for the students who volunteer their time in assisting our team at *Voice of Egypt. We thank God for their commitment and sacrifice as they give up many hours to further the gospel. Please ask God to help them manage their time and studies, as many are also revising for their mid-year exams which will be taking place soon.

SUNDAY 2nd February

Please pray for Fa, Am, Hish, Zo and Zak who all listen regularly and actively to programmes on *Voice of Egypt. Ask God to open their hearts to be responsive to the good news of Jesus and be inspired to follow him.

MONDAY 3rd February

Team members Fady, Amy and Merna are preparing to launch a new series of programmes. Please pray for them as they take this step of faith. Ask God to speak through them that his voice may be clearly heard and understood, especially by those who might be hearing the gospel for the very first time.

TUESDAY 4th February

The studios are in urgent need of renovation. As work begins on upgrading facilities, please pray that the work will be done to a high standard and that the new space will create more opportunities to expand the ministry and reach more people in Egypt and beyond with the good news of Jesus (‘Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain’ Psalm 127:1).

WEDNESDAY 5th February

The team use social media to follow up online with listeners. Last year around 180 people received Christ as their Lord and Saviour as a result of these interactions. Please pray for the social media follow-up team led by Sam and Lucy as they take time to engage individually with people via private messaging. Ask God to give them his love, wisdom, patience and strength for this demanding task. 

THURSDAY 6th February

A new broadcasting application has just been submitted which, if successful, will provide more functionality for *Voice of Egypt’s mobile phone app. Please pray the application will be approved so this pioneering app can be downloaded and used by many more people who are asking questions about Jesus and how they can begin their faith journey. We thank God that the team in Egypt responds to around 10,000 text messages and calls with listeners and enquirers every month. Many of these conversations are about God, the Bible and the cross. 

FRIDAY 7th February

A special programme on *Voice of Egypt is called Open the Door to God. Please pray for those using the discussion forum on the app that they will continue to interact with the team after this programme has ended. Pray for opportunities to introduce listeners to their nearest evangelical church where they can discover more about Jesus and grow in their new-found faith.

SATURDAY 8th February

We thank and praise God for the women’s ministry led by Venice and her six colleagues. Last year they delivered 127 sessions of interactive teaching in different family care centres that minister to the poor and marginalised. Please pray for the women who have learned more about God’s kingdom values, listened to Bible stories and memorised verses. Ask that God would use these women to disciple others and be agents for change in their communities.  

 * For the sake of security, some of the real names of people, projects or programmes have been changed or omitted