Our ministry partner in Central Asia runs several ministries including an online streaming service in an environment hostile to evangelism. Their growing depository of free Christian literature, music and messages is, the only one available in the region and provides discipleship and other materials for download to a rapidly growing young Church. Listeners are from a predominantly Muslim background where conversion to Christianity can lead to social isolation.

SUNDAY 6th September   

Please pray for the young people connecting with the evangelism project who are very close to believing in Jesus. Pray for their families as young people risk being thrown out of their homes, rejected by society and even face physical violence for accepting Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Ask the Lord to keep them safe and give them inspiration, resilience and determination to follow His way.

MONDAY 7th September   

Many local believers are facing dire situations due to Covid-19. With jobs lost and many people struggling to survive day-to-day without any income or savings, please ask the Lord to cover them ‘with his feathers’ and ‘under his wings’ may they find refuge. May his faithfulness be their shield and rampart (Psalm 91:4). 

TUESDAY 8th September   

A number of listeners have told the radio station they have Covid-19 and feel frightened for themselves and their families. Due to poor education and misinformation, many local people ostracise anyone with the virus and even refuse to speak to them on the phone. Please pray for the team at the radio station as they do all they can to support people by providing information and being available to talk about health and practical concerns.

WEDNESDAY 9th September

Pray for the local team and ask God to maintain their health and optimism. While no one on the team has been infected by Covid-19, there is deep concern anyone could get the virus at any time. The team is working hard to continue producing programmes and responding to feedback and follow-up at pre-pandemic levels. Ask God to keep the team refreshed and inspired by the Holy Spirit. Pray for their security and protection from the constant threat of closure and persecution from the authorities.

THURSDAY 10th September

Please pray for all the projects that are currently happening in the region. Thank God for exciting opportunities to share the gospel at a time when many are asking questions about life and death. There is an urgent need for more people to join the team. Ask God for wisdom as it’s very hard to find new team members and trusted volunteers. 

FRIDAY 11th September 

We thank God for the presenters who have set up makeshift sound booths in their homes to record their programmes as they’ve not been able to access the studios during lockdown. Please pray for patience and God’s blessing on these dedicated people who are often working in cramped conditions and trying to record with children and other family members making a noise around them.

SATURDAY 12th September

In remote regions of Central Asia there are still communities that have never heard the good news of Jesus in their heart language. Please pray for doors to open, new projects to be birthed and for ideas that could make the ministry of Feba’s partners even safer and more effective, especially in places where there is a great deal of misunderstanding and hostility towards Christians.
