Our ministry partner in Central Asia runs several ministries including an online streaming service in an environment that is hostile to evangelism. Their growing depository of free Christian literature, music and messages is the only one available in the region and provides discipleship and other materials for download to churches. Listeners are from a predominantly Muslim background where conversion to Christianity can lead to social isolation. This week we are praying for the Dilkash Radio project that aims to reach 18- to 35-year-olds.

SUNDAY 9th October

Given the lack of religious freedom, it is almost impossible to build and open churches in this part of the world. For our partners, it is much easier and more effective to plant and lead home groups. As you gather for worship today, please pray for your Christian brothers and sisters in Central Asia who will be meeting in secret and hoping their neighbours won't report them to the authorities. Pray that the number of home groups and house churches will grow across the region to form one, united Body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12-14)

MONDAY 10th October

The team in Central Asia is monitored and kept under surveillance by the authorities. They feel under constant pressure from both hostile listeners and officials who are intent on doing them harm and vociferously denying the claims of Jesus Christ. Please pray that in the midst of so much adversity, the team will grow stronger spiritually and draw closer to God through reading and sharing His Word each day with listeners. (2 Peter 3:17-18)

TUESDAY 11th October

Our partners have ambitious plans to spread the gospel across Central Asia. Please pray for spiritual strongholds to be pulled down that have prevented people from hearing and responding to the good news of Jesus for many years. The team is continually developing new ideas for projects. Please pray for the strength, persistence and resources they need to increase their reach and attract more listeners with open and receptive hearts. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

WEDNESDAY 12th October

Please pray for courage for the team to speak God's Word in a region where people are very fearful of harsh punishment for witnessing to Jesus. These fears are proving a major obstacle to expanding the kingdom of God. Please pray for victory over fear, so that both the team and their audiences will know God's perfect love that enables Christ's followers to be faithful and fearless in the face of any danger. (1 John 4:18)

THURSDAY 13th October

Islam has been the dominant religion in Central Asia for almost 1,300 years. While this religious influence has waned under successive atheistic, authoritarian governments, Muslims still account for the most influential grouping in the region. Our partners have asked us to pray specifically for their Muslim neighbours that they would come to know and trust in the saving love of Jesus. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

FRIDAY 14th October

Please pray for the political leaders and officials who are responsible for legislating and overseeing the strict controls on freedom of speech and religion. May their hearts and minds be opened to reason and understanding rather than governed by fear and control.

SATURDAY 15th October

The team continually needs God's discernment to know who to trust in a region where there is no shortage of government spies and informers. Many people who ask for face-to-face meetings with team members are only interested in causing maximum harm and disruption to the ministry. Team members are often subjected to vicious and threatening behaviour from people pretending to be Christian listeners. Please pray for heavenly protection over the team. May they always give a Christlike response to people who are verbally or physically abusive. (Luke 6:27-31)