Our ministry partner in Central Asia runs several ministries including an online streaming service in an environment that is hostile to the gospel. Their growing depository of free Christian literature, music and messages is the only one available in the region and provides discipleship and other materials for download to churches. Listeners are from a predominantly Muslim background where a decision to follow Jesus  can lead to social isolation. This week we are praying for the K Project which includes a 24/7 online radio station, website and app.

SUNDAY 19th February

Please pray for the safety of team members working on the K Project. In a region where people's movements are often closely monitored and Christian content is censored, the team faces constant danger from hostile listeners and frightening, unannounced visits to search their premises by government officials. Matthew 10:16

MONDAY 20th February

Praise God for the 'K People', listeners helping to spread the word, despite the dangers they face when they tell others how they can hear about Jesus by listening to the station. Please pray they will always remain faithful to God's word and not fear the hostility from those who are violently opposed to the gospel. Proverbs 29:25

TUESDAY 21st February

Please pray for opportunities for the team to grow stronger spiritually in the face of opposition. As each member of the team is often having to give out and make personal sacrifices, pray that the Lord would carry their burdens, release their fears and give them the spiritual strength to keep fixing their 'eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith'. Hebrews 12:2

WEDNESDAY 22nd February

The K Project is at an exciting stage of development. Please pray for trustworthy, committed followers of Jesus to hear His call to serve the ministry. In a region where more than 40 percent are living below the poverty line, please pray for the resources required to keep developing the project and reaching a far greater audience with the good news of Jesus. Matthew 6:25-34

THURSDAY 23rd February

Please pray for the 'K people' audience who regularly tune in and listen to programmes. Our users and listeners are often in just as much danger as members of the K Project team. Listeners often share how they too receive hostile messages and threats from complete strangers. Pray they would be given God's heart and strength to respond in love to those who would do them harm for following Jesus. Luke 6:27-31

FRIDAY 24th February

There is a great fear and reticence about sharing the gospel in Central Asia. The team sees how this fear literally grips people and holds back the expansion of God's kingdom. Please pray for victory over fear so that everyone involved in the K Project will be led by God's Spirit and grow in faith and trust to face any danger that might confront them. Isaiah 50:7

SATURDAY 25th February

More than 90 percent of the population across Central Asia are Muslims. Please pray for greater understanding between Muslims and Christians and an openness to hear the gospel. Pray for a mighty move of God in this region as His word is spoken online and over the airwaves through the K Project.

SUNDAY 26th February

Please pray for the political leaders and the officials who have the power to legislate on religion and freedom of speech. Ask God to open their minds to a greater understanding of the Christian faith and the transformation that God's kingdom brings to individual lives and communities. May the Lord bless them and teach them love for their people and the truth of God's word. John 8:36

MONDAY 27th February

The team at the K Project are always willing to welcome visitors, despite the risk that some people come on false pretences with the sole intention of causing disruption and harm. Some visitors have been known to use threatening words and behave violently towards the team when asked to leave. Please pray that the Lord would soften people's hearts and open their eyes to the saving love of Jesus. Romans 12:21

TUESDAY 28th February

It is impossible to build new churches in this region which is why most fellowships meet secretly in small home groups. Please pray that the house churches will continue to grow in number despite opposition and the fear of informants. Also, please pray for unity in the body of Christ among this broad network of house churches. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27