A Feba UK partner in Central Asia runs a network of FM stations and this week we are focusing in particular on one of these projects in our prayers. Listeners to this radio station are from a predominantly Muslim background where conversion to Christianity can lead to persecution. There are also severe penalties for sharing the good news of Jesus.

If your Prayer Focus notes are yet to arrive in the post, you can find the full month's materials available to download here.


Please pray for the hearts of people in authority in this region to be softened. As this project is attracting a great deal of attention, there’s a danger the authorities could step in and censor or close down the programmes. Praise God these broadcasts have not been blocked so far, even though the project is airing more overtly spiritual content.


We thank God for the team members working on this project who are highly skilled in IT. With technology advancing at a rapid pace, we pray the team will have the time, resources and training to keep abreast of latest developments and devise new ways to optimise the reach of this gospel ministry.

FRIDAY 3rd July

The content managers are responsible for raising issues that will resonate with this young audience and help them explore faith and spirituality for themselves. Please ask the Lord to inspire and guide all they say and do, especially at this time when so many are asking searching questions about life and death. 


After isolating for several months during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, the team has now started to work in the office again. Please pray for God’s protection over team members and their families from the virus as they travel on public transport and resume their everyday lives. Ask God to help people remain calm and resolute during this time of transition, particularly as so many are facing a very uncertain future.

SUNDAY 5th July

Please pray for the volunteers who help with moderating forums, chat rooms and other aspects of audience communication. May the Lord bless the time they spend working with the project and reward them with His joy and peace in His service.

MONDAY 6th July

The project is broadcasting 24/7 via online radio streaming. Please pray the streaming platforms remain stable to avoid any interruption in transmission. Pray for the agreement that will allow the project to use English study materials that will be of great interest to many young people and attract them to become regular listeners.

TUESDAY 7th July

Please pray for the security and protection of team members who are engaging in face-to-face communications online. This is often the most effective and only way to talk to some audience members who want answers. Our team members use all possible ways to maintain anonymity. Please pray that their identity and privacy will be protected at all times. 


Recalling Jesus’ words in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”, please pray for the broadcasts that are spreading the good news across the nations of Central Asia. Please pray for the project to expand and become a trusted voice in all five cities in the area.


Praise God for the growing interest among young people, particularly in some of the remotest parts of the region, who are seeking the truth and asking searching questions. Please pray they will be transformed by the renewing of their minds as they experience the power of God’s love and discover ‘his good, perfect and pleasing will’ (Romans 12:2).

FRIDAY 10th July

We thank God for the myriad of ways the project is using to communicate the gospel through mobile apps, website, social media and Telegram messaging. Please pray for each of the different audiences that they will find the right time and place each day to listen and engage with the programmes and share what they have heard with others.

SATURDAY 11th July

With the global Covid-19 pandemic having a significant negative impact on the economies of Central Asia, please pray for leaders of these nations as they navigate a way through this crisis with limited financial and healthcare resources. May this period of hardship and uncertainty also usher in a time of economic, social and spiritual change that turns people’s hearts to God and His ways.