For almost ten years, the FEBC Cambodia team has been reaching many more people through their Family FM radio broadcasts. With only 0.5% of Cambodians professing the Christian faith, new social media initiatives are making it possible to reach greater numbers of young people. Today, a 500-watt relay station in Kampong Thom Province reaches provinces that were previously unreachable. Teams also provide radios to those living in the most remote areas. Where roads are scarce in Cambodia’s borderlands, the gospel is scarcer, but radio is connecting families and communities so they too can hear the Good News of Jesus for the first time.

SUNDAY 24th April

Please pray for Krusa FM and the team as they apply to the government for their own antenna to continue to broadcast to listeners across the country. Pray for those involved in completing and submitting the all the required paperwork, that they might know how best to complete the documents and that it will be a smooth and quick process. Give thanks for all the new possibilities that it could open up to Krusa FM across Cambodia and pray that God will bless this ministry as it seeks to grow and reach even more people.

MONDAY 25th April

Krusa FM broadcasts through shortwave radio, two hours in the evening each day. Please pray for the team as they plan and prepare for each of these broadcasts. Ask that God will guide and lead the team as they look to help listeners grow in their faith and knowledge of God. The team give thanks and praise for the listeners who pray for them and bless them through their words of encouragement and the testimonies they hear and receive. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

TUESDAY 26th April

Please pray for the many listeners of the Krusa FM broadcasts, that their hearts might be restored and continue to stay strong in their faith. Pray that as they listen to the programmes, including Family FM which shares bible-centred teaching, wisdom, and support for family life, that their faith will grow and deepen as they learn about God. Pray particularly for those listeners grieving the loss of loved ones from Covid-19, ask that God bring them comfort and hope in His promises during this difficult time.

WEDNESDAY 27th April

Please pray for the staff team and their protection as they travel to the remote provinces to share the good news in person. As Covid-19 restrictions have eased, a greater number have been able to visit communities and encourage each other through the Word of God. Ask that the plans and journeys made by the team will be blessed by God. Pray for the conversations and teaching over the coming months as they look to reach communities who may never heard about Jesus before. Pray too for their relationships with local churches that enable and support many of these visits; ask that God will deepen and strengthen these links over time.

THURSDAY 28th April

Give thanks to God for a recent follow up trip to visit listeners in the Somroung District, where they gathered together with 42 listeners, worshipping together, teaching and sharing testimonies of how the radio broadcasts were creating positive changes in their lives and growth in their faith. Please pray for a listener named Chum who shared, “Before I got to know God, I never forgave. God walked into my heart through listening to the Krusa FM programme.” Ask that God will strengthen and protect him as he grows in his faith.

FRIDAY 29th April

In January 2022 the Cambodia Community Bible Institute team formed a bible class reaching new communities. The team give thanks for the new classes that have been established and the encouraging responses that have been received from those attending. Please pray that God will continue blessing this ministry and the communities it is reaching. Ask that God will provide insight and guidance as the bible classes are prepared and delivered, enabling those leading to answer with grace and wisdom when responding to questions.

SATURDAY 30th April

Please pray for new believer Chan, who attended one of the cell groups run by the Cambodia Community Bible Institute team. As someone unable to read or write, he recently received a new radio with an audio bible that allows him to listen to the bible, chapter by chapter. Keep him in your prayers as you move through the day and ask that God will draw close to Chan as he listens to the Word of God. Give thanks for this new resource that is enabling spiritual growth and understanding in this exciting way.


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