Thank you for your invaluable prayer support for Feba’s ministry. 

Our prayers during October will be focussing on Feba's partners ministering in Iraq, Mali and Ukraine, as well as others broadcasting in areas caught up in wars, conflicts, disagreements and violence.

To view or download a PDF copy of October's 'Prayer Focus', please click here.

If you are interested in receiving this and other Feba resources by post or email, including our quarterly voice magazine, please complete our contact form here.

Feba’s daily prayers are also available on the popular ‘PrayerMate’ mobile app (available for both iOS and Android devices).

Could we please also invite you to pray for Feba's search for a suitable applicant for the post of Director of Fundraising and Communications to join the UK team? For information about this exciting role, click here. The deadline for applications is 3rd October 2023; please feel free to share the details with others.

We hope you can join us for our online prayer meeting next month, featuring our partners ministering to Tibetans. It will take place on Wednesday 1st November at 7pm for one hour. For information on how to join the meeting and a short introductory video, please see here:

Why not introduce your friends to Feba's ministry by sharing Advent Voices with them? We will be focusing on the voices of love, joy, peace and hope. Everyone on Feba’s regular mailing list should receive a copy of the reflections before the start of Advent. To request additional free copies of Advent Voices to share with family, friends and your local church, please simply call the Feba office on 01903 286400 or visit

Thank you for your invaluable prayer support for Feba's ministry.

God bless you,

Esther O'Toole
Supporter Relations Officer