Stories Ministry Stories International Day of the Girl A global initiative to recognise the unique challenges faced by girls on the basis of their gender, October 11th is International Day of the Girl Child. The day aims to raise awareness of the inequalities experienced by girls, and the importance of addressing this discrimination. Every seven seconds a girl under the age of 15 is married.1 Supporting Sustainable Development Goal number 52, many of Feba's projects and partners seek to speak into community issues with an emphasis on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. One project in particular, the Women's Initiative in India, is looking to improve the situation and well-being of women and girls using radio. Using a mix of music, discussion, interview and drama, the Hamari Bediyan programmes produced by sister organisation Feba India are addressing issues such as access to education, domestic violence, child marriage and sex trafficking. A girl with her bicycle, in a north Indian village with a Hamari Bediyan listener group READ MORE about the Women's Initiative broadcasts: Sharing God's Love Through Radio Child Marriage A new report says that more than 700 million women were married before their 18th birthday, with a third of those married when they were under 15. Child marriage has a devastating effect on the progression of a girl's life; they may not be able to finish school, are at greater risk of domestic abuse, sexual violence and trafficking. The Women's Initiative project produces programmes specifically targeting areas where child marriage is common and broadcasts in the languages of those communities. Radio is an accessible medium that is able to reach both urban and rural poor. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. Galatians 3:28-29 NIV God created all of us, male and female, in His own image. Here at Feba Radio UK we are committed to challenging these harmful practices that oppress girls and support radio promoting equality and empowerment. Women are equal to men in God's loving heart, so His heart must break at the gender inequality felt by girls across the world today; but you can help. Donate now to the Women's Initiative appeal or give your support to the project and listeners in prayer. 1.BBC news website 'Girl under 15 married every seven seconds, says Save the Children' [accessed 11th October 2016] 2.UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, 'Sustainable Development Goal 5' [accessed 11th October 2016] Manage Cookie Preferences