Stop and reflect

" set the oppressed free"

Luke 4:18

Jesus knew first-hand the unjust, cruel and burdensome constraints forced on people, particularly the poor and vulnerable, by an authoritarian regime. The good news in today's reflection is that Jesus has come to set the oppressed free. Indeed, he promises in John 8:36, 'if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed'. As followers of Jesus, we wait in hope for the day of His second coming when all who suffer poverty and injustice will be set free.

Love God and His people

Feba's partner in Egypt runs a radio station with a particular heart for reaching urban young people with the good news of Jesus. In areas where there is religious and political tension and discrimination, the team is working hard to promote community cohesion and help listeners to overcome fear and find true freedom in Christ.

The team at the radio station has noticed that as they have been praying and waiting in hope for their listeners who are not yet Christians, they are starting to see them adopting Kingdom thoughts and attitudes when participating in live programmes. An example is Ezz*. Not only is the gospel having an impact on his life, but he's beginning to spread these Christlike thoughts and values among his M'lim friends and in his local community. He now regularly invites his friends and relatives to take part in the live programmes so they too can hear the difference that Jesus makes and receive His love.

In this short video, our partner shares more about the work in Egypt:

Open your heart to God in prayer

  • Pray for Christians in Egypt who are suffering persecution and discrimination for being faithful followers of Jesus Christ using Paul's words in Romans 5:3-5, "... but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
  • Pray for all those taking part in live programmes on Voice of Egypt* that they can hear the difference Jesus makes and be willing to open their hearts to receive His love.

Wait on God and walk in His ways

In our final week of Advent, take time to meditate on these words in Psalm 33:20-22,

'We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you'. As you have journeyed with us each day through Advent, may this practice mark the start of a new daily walk that leads you to a deeper trust and hope in Jesus in the coming year.

Weekly reflections through Advent

We have been releasing fresh content each Sunday through Advent - all based around the central theme of 'Waiting in hope'. For an introduction and overview of the series, please click here. You can also just click the following titles to visit each page if you'd like to catch up on anything that you might have missed:

Week One: 27th November - 'Waiting in hope with the poor'

Week Two: 4th December - 'Waiting in hope with those in captivity'

Week Three: 11th December - 'Waiting in hope with those who cannot see'

Week Four: 18th December - 'Waiting in hope with those who are oppressed'

Please feel free to share details of this page and Feba's Advent resources with anyone you think might be interested - perhaps family or friends, maybe people from your church. We do still have some printed copies available too - please do contact us if you would like one/some sent in the post. We'd really welcome any general feedback about the resources too.

Thank you for your partnership with us this Advent season. Wishing you a peaceful, joyful and hope-filled Christmas as we celebrate God's love for us through Christ.

To make a donation to Feba's 'Waiting in Hope' Advent appeal, please click here. Thank you.