Feba's dynamic Churches Officer, Carole Darling tells us about some of her favourite parts of her job - visiting churches, meeting our wonderful supporters and sharing about Jesus! 

She's been a whirlwind of activity recently, so we were lucky to grab a moment with her to find out what she's been up to with our supporting churches:  

CD: Today is my last day in the office before I go on holiday after a very busy July.  Feba has been mission of the month at two churches and I have been very involved in these churches as well as visiting and speaking at other churches over the last few weeks.  It's been great, but non stop! 

Let me tell you what I have been up to at Trinity Church in Lewes. I decided to have a theme for the month and I chose to focus on countries where it is difficult to be a Christian and ‘closed’ countries (countries antagonistic to the Christian faith).

TRINITY Church meets at 3 locations across Lewes - South Malling, St John sub Castro, and Southover

Jesus was a great story teller

I reckon one of the best ways to communicate with people is to tell a story, we all love stories and after all Jesus was a great story teller.

The mission of the month at Trinity gets to write an article for the weekly news sheet. So I decided to write a different article each week over the month, taking a look at the radio projects in North East Africa, Central Asia, Yemen and Iraq. I made sure that we had a story from a listener to the radio project in each of these countries as well as quotes and comments from the team and photos too. 500 people across Trinity had the opportunity to read about Feba and the radio projects in July.

Next up, I asked for a 3 minute slot to tell the 6 different congregations about Feba. The vicar was very obliging and arranged this for me on different Sundays across the month (thank you so much!). After talking at 6 different services, I reckon that my last slot was my best because I had fine tuned it after each attempt! I ended the slot with a 90 second video entitled “Our listeners speak” as it is wonderful to hear directly from the listeners. At the end, I did a plug for voice magazine and a prompt to “Tune in to Feba” and receive regular information (ED: you can sign up in the box on this very page!)

Prayer is such an important part of life at Feba.

A quick PowerPoint presentation with more stories from listeners went down well at the mission prayer meeting and it was wonderful to be involved in prayer for the radio projects.

Worship at Southover, TRINITY Church Lewes

Worship at Southover, Carole's home church

Prayer is such an important part of life at Feba. We have daily prayers together as a staff team and post prayer requests from our partners and weekly suggestions for prayer on our website. 

The "Underground Church" game

By far the most exciting engagement with Trinity was with the youth group. Dianne, the youth leader runs a fun game each year called the “Underground Church Game”. This involves teams of young people searching for the right contacts throughout the town in order to discover the location of the Safe House for the underground church meeting.

TRINITY Church Youth Group play the Underground Church game in Lewes

The "Underground Church" game being played on the streets of Lewes, East Sussex

It usually takes an hour for the teams to get to the Safe House, avoiding the ‘secret police’ on the way. At the Safe House, Dianne, the youth leader used the resources from Feba to talk about what it is like to be a Christian in closed countries. The best thing was that the youth group then worked together to present some of the stories at their youth service in July.

It was wonderful to see people touched by the work of Feba and moved by the stories

Dianne, the youth leader, actually coordinated the youth service so that the youth lead the service, they did the speaking and presented the stories, they even edited video material and lead the worship. It was wonderful to see people touched by the work of Feba and moved by the stories, so much so, that they then stood up and told others.

I love my job at Feba because I get to visit churches and meet wonderful people across the UK. I have the privilege of telling people about Jesus and the love of God and I get to share about Feba and the radio projects using PowerPoint, videos, magazine articles and RadioCan resources.

Find out more about Feba's work for the Persecuted Church

Whilst I can’t visit every church, I can stay in touch and send resources tailored for your church. Feba exists because of the prayer and generosity of people in churches throughout the UK and I want to say a massive “THANK YOU!” for your ongoing support. 

If you'd like to get in touch with Carole, or order resources for your church, use our Contact Us page.