Some of Feba’s partners work in places where there are barriers to sharing about God’s love and the transformation it brings.  

Our partner, ministering to listeners in Central Asia, shares how radio on the internet overcomes these barriers every hour of the day:

People who seek God’s truth and love have often faced multiple barriers and difficulties, especially in Central Asia, where access to “spiritual food” is limited or impossible. For example, in our country you cannot meet in home churches, you cannot worship, you cannot have more than one copy of the Bible for the whole family, and you cannot share the gospel or you will end up in jail with an expensive penalty.

Our web radio became one of the main ways of ministry - sharing God’s love and Word in a 24/7 format.

There are hardly any believers in our village. I’m very glad that I know about your online radio. You cannot imagine, but you saved me from many problems.

For many years, people were forced to search noisy frequencies and stations to listen to a 30-minute programme at a very late time of the day. Now, the majority of people in our country have mobile phones connected to the internet, which is also becoming cheaper and available. This means that they can listen to our preaching programmes, prayers, Bible lessons, and worship songs for 24 hours a day. Listeners help us improve the quality of our content because we have fast feedback and can easily satisfy their needs.

It is good that you started to broadcast your radio 24 hours. Several times, your topics helped me right away; they comforted me when I needed it. I can get that comfort every minute I have a hard life time.

We get hundreds of thankful letters, messages and responses from our listeners for this unique radio service in our country, which we have run for several years.

Unfortunately, there are those who threaten and try to intimidate us, but also, a lot of those who rejoice in the existence of our radio ministry. Here is what one listener told us:

“We realised that your radio has wonderful topics about family and raising children...We parents started communicating with our daughter and each other differently, much warmer and closer than ever before. In your topics you say that ‘it will give many fruits in the future’; we hope to have those fruits from all the new things we started to do. Besides these, you teach about relationships with kids when they grow and get older. We hope it will also be useful for us in the future. It’s good when you teach us to share and tell our kids about all the truths we know about God.”

Blog written by Feba's project partner and director of the Central Asia radio ministry (*name withheld for security purposes).

Read about our other project in Central Asia which is using Medium Wave: Bible stories for everyday life

Feba CEO, Bob Chambers has a short reflection and special request for supporters following his own recent trip to this project:

Bob Chambers, Feba CEO

We support this media initiative in a highly sensitive part of the world.  Our partner operates very secretively with the constant threat of investigation and exposure.  On my visit I was struck by how much it is a real privilege to be part of what a God is doing through Feba; I’m very clear that it is His mission and we are but a small part in it.  

Reflecting on the various conversations I had in the course of those few days away from the office, I was reminded afresh of some important truths:

  • security and stability are fragile and precious (and perhaps illusory);
  • God's love and the hope of the gospel are universally good news (even when difficult to share);
  • the ways and means by which God chooses to work can be hard to imagine or fathom (but He clearly knows best!);
  • there is great need and opportunity for Christians to engage in God's mission (even when it's messy, costly or uncomfortable). 

One of the things I enjoy about travelling with work is that I typically get some time to read with fewer distractions than when at home! In the course of this recent trip I managed to finish Hudson Taylor's autobiography and le Carré’s ‘The Spy Who Came in from the Cold’. Clearly very different in all sorts of ways, I enjoyed them both and it seemed to me that there was something quite fitting about immersing myself in tales of audacious and sacrificial faith alongside the clash of ideologies and worldviews.

The challenges that our partners face in order to deliver spiritual encouragement to their listeners is testimony to their own audacious and sacrificial faith. In this part of Central Asia, radio is finding ways to overcome geographical, political, religious and cultural barriers. It was really encouraging to hear testimony about the lasting impact and fruit of that work.  

I remain convinced that there is work yet to be done; our duty is to continue to seek God's leading, to follow obediently / faithfully / diligently / courageously / humbly, and to trust in Him.

Could I please invite you warmly to be part of that journey with us?

Pray with us using our Weekly Prayer Resources or provide financial support to radio projects sharing the transformative power of God's love.  

Thank you.

Bob Chambers, CEO, Feba Radio UK.