I was really sick, and I didn't know much about God. But then, some nice people came and prayed for me. They gave me a box that played stories from the Bible in Hindi. When I listened to those stories, I felt like I was learning about God for the first time. My faith in God got stronger, and I felt better. Jala*, India

Jala lives in north India, where harsh laws and religious culture are making it increasingly dangerous to share Jesus’s good news. Yet, despite this, our partner’s Portable Life-Changer (PLC) project is making the gospel known among sex workers and other suppressed and marginalised non-Christians. 

These remote communities have minimal or no contact with the church, so how are they hearing the good news? PLC is using speaker boxes loaded with programmes, like audio plays, that communicate the Bible’s truths in creative and relevant ways. 

Through Radio Wimbe in Pemba, Mozambique, Magdalene* came across an audio Bible belonging to her husband Rodrigue*- himself from a Muslim background - and she realised that the Bible had a different message from the Qu’ran... a message of love...

Without a radio, broadcasts can’t be heard. Without a speaker box or an audio Bible, people like Jala and Magdalene can’t hear the good news from our partners – and faith, as we know, ‘...comes from  hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.’ (Romans 10:17).

I can hear you!

Thankfully, because of your prayers and financial gifts to Feba’s work, listeners have the means to hear our partners’ programmes about Christ, and they are turning to Him. 

But is it enough?

Would you like to see more people coming to faith in Jesus? We don't want our partners’ broadcasts to be wasted. By giving people audio Bibles, radios, speaker boxes or SD cards, we’re ensuring they have the opportunity to hear the gospel.    

Please give so that more people can hear the good news

In Kyrgyzstan, Salikha* told our partner, Azamat*, about her life problems - how her husband drinks and swears, and how it is very hard for her. They gave her a solar-powered radio receiver so that her husband could hear their broadcasts, including programmes about the value of women. 

Azamat at FEBC Kyrgyzstan, told us, “Salikha sent me a message that her husband is listening to our radio and constantly carrying it with him. I am praying that God will touch his heart too.”

Help more people hear about Jesus 

We are praying that God will touch the heart of this man and all those in hard-to-reach places who hear our partners’ broadcasts. We pray that they will hear God’s unique message of true, lasting hope, and that they’d respond by placing their faith in Him. 

Please would you prayerfully consider sending a gift today so that we can enable more people to hear Jesus’s life-giving message? Thank you so much for your faithful support. 

Please give so that more people can hear the good news

Your gift to Feba will go to where the need is greatest. 

*Names changed for security reasons.

Please note the images used do not always depict the listeners mentioned for security reasons.